Chapter 31: Intense

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung places his hand on his chest and feels the wild beating of his heart as if he wasn't hearing in loud before. Taehyung doesn't know why he is feeling like this. Why his body is heating up all of the sudden. He just can't get that image out of his mind---Jeongguk's body, hair a bit sweaty and his intense stare, heavy breathing, enough to make Taehyung shudder.

He could feel Jeongguk's dominance and he can still feel it. Taehyung leans against the door when he feels his skin itching again and getting hotter but it was less painful than last time. With shivering steps, he walks towards the mirror, his eyes widening when he sees his reflection.

Ash gray hair, little markings on his face and eyes blue. The two candles on the sides of the mirror flicker and give out their light. Jeongguk had told him about it this and it really spooked him to be honest. What he thought is that his second time transforming would be also painful yet here he was, with less pain in front of the mirror.

Taehyung traces his fingers on the mark which are clearly visible in the moonlight coming from the window because the candles are out.

Taehyung never thought he'd be such a creature and having this predicting ability. He always used to think that his parents---both Alphas gave birth to two Alphas and an omega. Why an omega? He could've been a true blood. But it's really rare for both alphas to give birth to an omega.

Why do all the rare incidents have to happen with Taehyung? He laughs at that sometimes.

Special? Really? Taehyung can't just seem to believe he is someone special. He'd just am omega who is married to the most perfect man---Jeon Jeongguk and he is grateful for that because he loves Jeongguk and he knows that Jeongguk loves him---It's more than enough for him.

And Jeongguk is on his mind right now because he just can't get out that image out of his mind and it's driving him insane---insane with want.

You can say that his prayers got answered because he heard the door opening and his favourite scent invades his senses. Taehyung holds his breath, closing his eyes and it feels like he's frozen in his place.

Where as the moment Jeongguk enters the room he gets Taehyung's ever so sweet scent but smells something strong too---Taehyung's arousal. Jeongguk eyes dart to the corner of the room where Taehyung stands in front of the mirror. He can hear Taehyung's heartbeat which syncs with his own erratic one.

Jeongguk throws away his jacket and slowly makes his way to Taehyung who stands in his aroused state and doesn't want to admit that he got turned in by just watching Jeongguk beat someone up.

Jeongguk sees Taehyung's closed eyes but it's clear that Taehyung stands as a Kitsune because of the hair and the marks.

Taehyung yelps when he feels Jeongguk's breath on his nape. Jeongguk is close---so close that if he moves a mere his lips would touch Taehyung's hair on his nape but Jeongguk waits.

"If you are to change everything and go back---would you?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung's eyes snap open, meeting Jeongguk's eyes---glowing red. There is a soft glow on both of their faces and the moonlight is in their favour because it enhances their wolf vision.

Taehyung remains quite, thinking why would Jeongguk ask him this question. Why would he think that Taehyung wants to change anything if he can.

"Answer me." Jeongguk asks, eyes never leaving Taehyung's in the mirror.

"Why ask something that can never happen." Taehyung's right. How can they go back in past? And he doesn't want to.

"That's not what I asked. If we could, would you want to change anything or everything?" Jeongguk himself doesn't know why he is asking this. Now Jeongguk's nose gently touches back Taehyung's head and the omega sighs.

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