Chapter 17: Dream

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Even after their intimate session, they couldn't get enough of eachother. Taehyung was on Jeongguk's lap, both kissing eachother breathlessly. Taehyung never knew having half naked Jeongguk and kissing him will be this much blissful and Taehyung was sure he will never forget how good Jeongguk made him feel just moments ago.

"You didn't played fair to be honest." Jeongguk says as he pulls away from the kiss, hands roaming over Taehyung's waist.

"Oh really? But you got distracted and it's not good if you're fighting." Taehyung says teasingly.

"You really know that you can control me huh?" Jeongguk says and Taehyung giggles.

"Maybe." Taehyung whispers and pecks Jeongguk's lips.

"Daniel, Hoseok and Yugyeom will keep teasing me now." Jeongguk huffs cutely and Taehyung looks at him with adoration.

Before Taehyung could reply, there is a knock on the door, startling both males.

"Prince Taehyung, your majesty queen Jihyun is here to see you." A guard announces and both panic.

Taehyung immediately gets up from Jeongguk's lap and Jeongguk finds something to cover himself considering he wasn't wearing a top.

"Prince Taehyung?" The voice comes from outside.

"Ah---just a minute...I---".

Put something on....or hide. Taehyung links Jeongguk but Jeongguk can't do either of them. If course he can't.

"Taehyung dear, are you okay?" Jihyun's concerning voice is heard and soon, the door opens, revealing a worried queen.

Jeongguk halts while pacing here and there and Taehyung stands there flustered.

"Hello mother." Jeongguk sheepishly says, rubbing his nape and one hand awkwardly on his chest.

"Oh dear, I'm really sorry for interrupting." Jihyun smiles knowingly.

"No you didn't." "It's not like that." Jeongguk and Taehyung say at the same time and the Queen chuckles.

"It's your training time, right Jeongguk?" Jihyun asks.

"Yeah, yes mother. I was training and prince Taehyung came with Hoseok there. He wanted to go back to his room so I accompanied him. I was just leaving." Jeongguk says and Taehyung nods as well, confirming it.

"And then what? Got distracted?" Jihyun muses, her eyes on Taehyung's neck at the visible marks. Taehyung and Jeongguk both laugh nervously, flustered because it was so obvious for the Queen.

"I'll just go and practice." Jeongguk runs out of the room but not forgetting to glance at Taehyung. Taehyung stands there alone, his hand awkwardly trying to hide the marks Jeongguk has given him. Jihyun smiles fondly and walks towards the omega.

"Can I sit?" She asks.

"Oh of course, please, why not." Taehyung feels so embarrassed to have a queen standing and not even asked her to sit down.

"I need to talk to you Taehyung." Jihyun smiles but Taehyung knows it's something serious.

Taehyung hesitantly sits down on the bed infront of the Queen and is startled when Jihyun gently takes his hand.

"Are you happy here?" Jihyun asks and Taehyung frowns.

"I mean with the wedding and with my son." Jihyun looks so desperate that it hurts Taehyung.

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