Chapter 23: Forced

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) Boooriinggggg

Third Person POV

Taehyung woke up to an empty bed. Jeongguk wasn't there. For a moment he panics because it felt like a nightmare not having Jeongguk by his side. He gets up, tries to calm down.

There might be some emergency so he left.

He is a crown prince, he has duties.

Don't worry, you'll see him at breakfast.

Will I?

Taehyung takes a deep breath and clears his head with the unwanted thoughts because he knows if he keeps thinking, he'll go crazy.

Taehyung moves to the dining room but was shocked to see only the Queen and his brother Seokjin there. Dread fills him. Jihyun notices him and smiles, gesturing him to sit.

Taehyung makes his way to the table rather slowly and sits down. Seokjin smiles at him but Taehyung knows it's not his brother's usual smile.

"Where is everyone else?" Taehyung can't help but ask because no one else was going to say anything for sure.

"They had to go the neighbouring state which we won a few days prior." Jihyun says and Taehyung gets an ugly feeling.


"The soldiers of that state were brought here yesterday and the peasants and locals were left in the village and the state. Jaehwan, Namjoon and Jeongguk had to go to see how the state is and how many servants we can have." Jihyun explains.

"Did Jeongguk really had to go?" Taehyung asks and Jihyun and Seokjin look at him in mild disbelief.

"He's going to be a King one day, of course he had to go and see and besides, it's not the first time he left." Jihyun says, trying to assure Taehyung because she knows the omega is worried sick.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung softly says.

"Oh no sweetie, I know Jeongguk left without telling you, he shouldn't have done that but don't worry, they'll be back by tomorrow." Jihyun says and takes Taehyung's hand in her own.

But Taehyung can't feel any better at all. He needs to see Jeongguk, he needs to touch him to make sure his Alpha is alright but the fact that he can't do that makes him want to cry out loud.

"Why don't you and Seokjin go and visit the village and see the bounties of our kingdom later after lunch? I'm sure what Jeongguk showed you was nothing, there is more. I'll have Jisung take you both there." Jihyun smiles and Taehyung nods.

It's only a second day after their marriage and Taehyung is feeling like anything bad will happen at any moment. The rogue attack right before the night of their marriage and now Jeongguk leaving without telling him was something Taehyung couldn't take off of his mind.

Even if the marriage had been perfect doesn't mean Taehyung has forgotten the nightmare. Not to mention the two times before when Jeongguk left, he came back somehow injured and Taehyung prays that nothing happens this time.


"He'd be worried, that's why I didn't tell him. He wouldn't have let me leave the palace if I'd told him." Jeongguk says as he walks through the piles of wreck.

"Not telling him would've made him more worried that's for sure." Hoseok says.

"I was confused, I didn't knew what to do so I left without telling him. I shouldn't have done that." Jeongguk sighs now realising he really should've told Taehyung. He knows his omega would be worried sick by now.

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