Chapter 18: Twisted

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) short and boring.

Third Person POV

Taehyung was sleeping soundly on Jeongguk's chest, snoring softly but Jeongguk was restless. He was dying to ask why Taehyung had decided to end everything just because of a mere dream. It was nothing, everyone has dreams, some are way more scarier than Taehyung's.

Jeongguk wants to know was either it was true that Taehyung was scared or was it just an excuse to stay away from him.

It doesn't matter anymore, he's right here, in your arms. Jeongguk looks at the omega sleeping.

After a while, Taehyung starts squirming in Jeongguk's hold and finally wakes up. Taehyung blushes when he realises how he's been sleeping. He hesitantly looks up, finally Jeongguk awake but not looking at him.

"Good morning." Taehyung whispers, hoping to have Jeongguk's attention. Jeongguk only hums in response which confuses Taehyung and he sits up, the blanket falling off of his shoulders, looking at Jeongguk who still wasn't looking at him.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk sits up as well.

"It was just a dream." Jeongguk mumbles and Taehyung frowns.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asks.

"Just because of a mere dream, you decided that Oh my God, I am so bad for Jeongguk. He'll die because of me, this marriage won't be successful and what not. Taehyung who does that?" Jeongguk utters and Taehyung was surprised.

"How can you just conclude only because of a dream that this marriage shouldn't happen. That you are not right for me. You were degrading yourself even when the cause was just a ridiculous dream. You made fun of my feelings as well." Jeongguk says frustrated. Taehyung sat wide eyed, filled with tears but angry.

"Do you---do you have any idea how---how---painful it was to see you like that. To---to see you dying infront of my eyes and falling into darkness and---and I couldn't even reach you. You have no idea how agonising it was to see that ever night, every time being more painful than the previous one." Taehyung sobs.

"It was just a dream." Jeongguk mummers again.

"Nightmare!" Taehyung yells. "A nightmare that felt so real and I was beyond scared. How can you expect me see you suffering even if it was in my head. You---you have no idea how I felt everytime." Taehyung points at Jeongguk.

"You could've told me rather than pushing me away."

"And what could you've done huh?" Taehyung snaps. "You think that it's just a mere dream. But people don't get the same dream, every night, exactly the same." Taehyung cries and gets up. Jeongguk feels so conflicted right now. He never thought how miserable Taehyung must've felt.

"Taehyung please." Jeongguk whispers, getting up as well. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm right here with you and nothing happened to me. You don't have to worry." Jeongguk says and Taehyung let's out a humourless chuckle.

"I saw my father being torn into pieces by the wolves in my dream, twice and look where he is now." Taehyung's these words shut Jeongguk up and the omega pics up his top from the floor and walks out of the room.


"Don't tell me you've forgotten how to dance." Jimin says and Yoongi chuckles.

"No I haven't." Yoongi chuckles, placing his hand on Jimin's waist. All of them along with the Queen and few royal guards were in the ballroom, practicing for dance which was compulsory.

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