Chapter 30: Song

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

After the king and queen left the breakfast table, Taehyung started feeling irritated.

Jeongguk and the royal guards didn't tell anyone about Taehyung until the breakfast. Everyone was shocked and surprised---of course. Jihyun said she already knew Taehyung is special and now it's proved. Taehyung somehow knew he could predict a person's death but getting a proper name of it and hearing what happened to his body kind of scares him and not to mention the dream about Jeongguk---it scares him to his core but he doesn't know why Jeongguk is so calm about it.

Now Taehyung was irritated because his husband, his brother and brothers in law and the three guards were looking---staring at him without even blinking and he was really really irritated and mildly getting angry.

"Stop looking at me like that!" Taehyung yells, banging his hand lightly on the table and Seokjin almost has a heart attack because he was startled really bad. Jeongguk and others snap their attention away from Taehyung, mildly startled and pretend like they weren't just creeping Taehyung out.

"You all are really making me feel like I'm a freak or something out of this planet." Taehyung says with a pout and Jeongguk immediately turns to him.

"Oh no baby, you are not a freak at all. You are beautiful and a blessing for me---I and everyone else are so lucky to have you." Jeongguk says softly and everyone else except Taehyung cringe. Taehyung smiles but then frowns again.

"What if I really am a freak?" Taehyung says.

"Oh for God's sake Jeon Taehyung---stop assuming thinks that are not true. What you have is incredible. You'll learn to control your formation soon too." Seokjin exclaims and all eyes are on him now.

"So don't ever think like that baby brother---you are incredible." Seokjin smiles and Taehyung feels his eyes tear up.

"Thank you hyung." Taehyung says.

"I agree with Seokjin hyung." Hoseok says proudly.

"Mee too." Daniel says.

"Me three." Yugyeom continues.

"Me four." Namjoon gives his dimpled smile.

"Me five." Jeongguk says amused and Taehyung is left in fit of laughter. Taehyung gets up and hugs Seokjin from back and Seokjin kisses his hand, assuring him that whatever he said was true to every extent.

Jeongguk sees his lover with a smile who has his own contagious boxy smile on as he is busy in talking with the three guards. He was so lucky to have Taehyung in his life. Jeongguk felt so happy.


"Oh--ohhh Gukkie---". Taehyung kept moaning louder as Jeongguk pounds into him at a fast pace. It was Taehyung who was being so touchy and he wanted Jeongguk and well---who is Jeongguk to say no.

"You like it baby?" Jeongguk rasps and kisses down Taehyung's neck and chest.

"So---so much." Taehyung manages to say and feels he heat pool in his stomach.

Taehyung's whole body shudders as he comes, screaming Jeongguk's name. Jeongguk chases his orgasm shortly after.

After having a warm bath, both of them lay next to eachother and they don't need any robe because the feeling of skin to skin is relaxing for both of them.

"What are you thinking baby?" Jeongguk asks when he sees Taehyung deep in thought.

"You." Taehyung answers and he wasn't lying.

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