Chapter 28: Euphoric

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Haethon has conquered a big kingdom. Eriden was---if not the most powerful but one of the powerful kingdoms that may lie out of the Brook but it had continued to be one of the hard to beat enemy but then Haethon has been above all.

Jeongguk and others had to stay for some days there, deciding what should be done to the survivors and the people of this kingdom and also two whom from Haethon shall Eriden be ruled because Eriden is under Haethon and in need of a new ruler which most definitely will be from Haethon's officials.

But Jeongguk wanted to go home. He wanted to go to his omega---his beloved Taehyung and it was safe to say that Jeongguk was dying to see Taehyung. The moment he killed Woojin, he is in peace. He hasn't felt any pain except from the wounds of course but no pain that was due to the thought of Taehyung belonging to someone else.


When the mark disappeared and the bond broke, Taehyung passed out due the pain at the moment and he woke up---feeling as if born again, free from ever agony, hurt and pain, he felt free.

Taehyung was in the library, putting back the books when he heard his voice. The voice he had been dying to hear for almost half a month.

Taehyung? The book falls from Taehyung's hand with a thud. For a moment Taehyung stills, wide eyes staring at the bookshelf infront of him.

Tae? He hears the sweet voice again. Jeongguk never once linked him in previous days and now, even when he is coming back, he couldn't stop himself.

Gukkie. Taehyung links and a smile forms on his lips. Jeongguk breathes in relief to hear Taehyung's voice he missed so much. Jeongguk missed Taehyung----a lot.

How are you baby? Jeongguk asks and Taehyung sits down because it was being difficult for him to stand.

I'm alright Jeongguk but I miss you. I miss you so much. Taehyung desperately says.

I'm on my way baby. I'll see you soon. Jeongguk assures and Taehyung smiles.

I love you. Taehyung links.

I love you more. Jeongguk replies and Taehyung chuckles.


They don't talk about the bond breaking or anything else. Taehyung knows there is nothing more to talk about anyway. Jeongguk had gone to a battle just for him and it makes him feel so special. Now he knows that in Jeongguk's heart, he is really special because Jeongguk loves him and he loves Jeongguk.

Taehyung doesn't know how many days he will have to wait for Jeongguk more but he waits for that day. The day when he will finally be in Jeongguk's arms. When he will finally be able to kiss him and hold him close.

The palace was being decorated because they had known about the victory and that they are coming back. Jaehwan had linked Jihyun and now they wait for them.


"Taehyung! They are here!" Seokjin almost breaks the door when he rushes inside Taehyung's room, startling the omega.

Taehyung almost trips due the speed he stood up and ran. Both brothers ran through the hallways towards the main gate and even the carriages sounds and horses could be heard and Taehyung's heart was beating so fast.

Seokjin and Taehyung stop next to Jihyun and now all they wanted was the gates of palace be opened so that they could rush towards their lovers.

And Taehyung's heart almost stops when the gates open. Jaehwan and Namjoon were first to enter, smiling widely as the maids showered them with flowers. Then it was Mingyu and Daniel, followed by Hoseok. Taehyung realises that Jeongguk is doing this on purpose but right now he might cry if he won't see Jeongguk.

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