Chapter 8: Fond

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Ignore the mistakes plz; )

Third Person POV

Taehyung slept soundly in Jeongguk's embrace until Namjoon said they are stopping for a while. Jeongguk shakes Taehyung lightly to wake him up. The omega wriggles a little and snuggles closer. Jeongguk smiles as little.

"Taehyung? Wake up please." Jeongguk whispers, soothingly rubbing Taehyung's back.

"I don't want to." Taehyung whines.

"Freshen up a little and let me too, you've been on my lap for very long." Jeongguk says and Taehyung slowly lits his head up. When he realises he is sitting on Jeongguk's lap, he quickly gets up, hitting his head with the carriage roof while doing so.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung whispers and opens the carriage door, getting out. Jeongguk sighs heavily, running a hand in his hair. He gets out too, finding himself in a clearing. Taehyung has his eyes closed and he is looking up to the sky. It gives Jeongguk time to marvel at the omega prince.

His tan skin, long lashes, round nose and Jeongguk has also seen a mole on the tip. All in all, for Jeongguk, Taehyung is the most beautiful person in the world.

Jeongguk thinks why his wolf hasn't lost control when Taehyung was so close to him earlier. Maybe these two days when he avoided Taehyung, he got a control on himself? But one thing is for sure, Jeongguk feels something for Taehyung and he has no problem with it anymore.

Seokjin was quiet, of course. Both brothers looked like they would break any moment. Jeongguk prepares himself mentally for what is going to happen when they reach Mariana.


"Mom!" Taehyung whispers when he sees his mother. The Queen looks opens her arms for both of his sons and Taehyung and Seokjin run towards her, breaking down immediately. Namjoon and Seokjin condolence Yoongi and Jimin, telling them their parents are sorry to not be able to come here.

Jeongguk couldn't see Taehyung crying like this. He wanted to embrace the fragile omega in his arms and make his stay forever but the omega will sure stay away from him.

Yoongi kisses Taehyung's forehead and wipes away his tears. Taehyung was trembling badly when they were finally heading towards the room where the king was sleeping soundly.

Taehyung hesitates to enter but Yoongi places a steady hand in his back and leads him and Seokjin inside. Others stay outside but the Queen tells Jeongguk go in because Yoongi will take care of Seokjin but there should be someone by Taehyung's side when he breaks down because the omega won't be able to stand the sight.

Now it's Jeongguk who stands beside Taehyung as the omega cries his heart out when he sees his father in the coffin. Taehyung tries to get closer but the alpha holds him back. Jeongguk thinks Taehyung will surely pass out if he keeps crying like this.


The funeral was next day. Taehyung didn't came out of his room. Namjoon didn't leave Seokjin's side. Yoona and Yoongi decided to see Taehyung because it wasn't good for him to just stay in his room without eating anything.

"Taehyung sweetie." Taehyung hears his mother's sweet voice as he was lying on his bed. He slowly lifts his head to see Yoona and Yoongi standing by his bed. Taehyung sits up and his mother sits besides him, gently caressing his face.

"My dear, you haven't eaten anything ever since the funeral. Don't do this to yourself. Everyone is worried, Jeongguk is worried." Taehyung's heat races at the mention of his name but he looks at his mother with sad eyes.

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