Chapter 27: Memory

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) you know I'm not good at writing action at all so bare with it and's boring.

"No matter how many countries you rule or palaces you own---Power is always fleeting.
It can be taken away by the stroke of a pen or the blade of an axe."

Third Person POV

Haethon's army and soldiers along with the royals including the king and the prince kept stopping after travelling each day for rest and food. It was a long journey of almost seven days and the breaks included will take more time. It had only been four days since they left and there was a lot to go but they were determined. Jeongguk was determined to wipe out the whole line of the bastard that has hurt his Taehyung.

Jeongguk wanted---really wanted to link Taehyung but he knew that if he did, the omega will never leave his thoughts and Jeongguk already had a hard time not thinking about his beloved while he was on the way to battle.

Jeongguk was prepared for anything---anything and he vowed to himself that he'll free Taehyung from the bond that was never meant to happen. Sitting in the camp, Jeongguk recalled how actually he fell in love with Taehyung and a smile forms on his lips when every small and beautiful moment he had spent with Taehyung.

He remembers the first time he went to Haethon. That time he had no care about the marriage. He wasn't suppose to marry at all, untill he was a king. But the sudden proposal changed his mind and the cause was the beautiful omega.

He agreed to the marriage and definitely wasn't planning to fall in love but he had no control over his heart. Jeongguk couldn't just not fall in love with Taehyung. Jeongguk knew, the moment he kissed Taehyung or maybe way before that Taehyung has him under his control and Jeongguk doesn't mind however his omega reigns him.

Now that he knows Taehyung loves him as well, it makes him want to return back to him as soon as possible but after he is done with this bastard.

"Jeongguk?" The Alpha hears Daniel's voice and snaps out of his thoughts.


"You spaced out and why were you smiling to yourself? Gone mental?" Daniel jokes and Jeongguk playfully rolls his eyes.

"It was nothing." Jeongguk says.

"Missing your highness?" Daniel softly asks.

"Of course I do." Jeongguk answers after a moment. Daniel smiles and pats Jeongguk's shoulder.

"You'll see him soon." Jeongguk smiles at Daniel's confident words.

"I will." Jeongguk says.

I'll see you soon Jeon Taehyung, love.


What you want and desire isn't meant for you sometimes. Yes, Taehyung considered himself as the most unlucky person and that though came mainly due to him being an omega. He never wanted to be an omega but it wasn't in his control.

Sometimes he would think how can a child of a female and male, both Alpha's can be a weak omega. He should've been a true blood or an Alpha but----no.

Yes, just like every one else, he also wanted a life partner who would appreciate him not as a need but as a whole being. Respect him feelings and give him love and support and take care of him----Jeongguk did it all. Jeongguk even did what he least expected---He gave Taehyung love and Taehyung was head over heels in love with Jeongguk and will always be when he realised Jeongguk is truly the one who would never see him as someone low to himself but Jeongguk will love him above everyone else.

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