Chapter 16: Combat

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"DON'T DARE TOUCH HIM!" Jeongguk's voice booms in the court hall. Jeongguk walks down the stairs from standing next to his father, forward. He ignores Euna and Lee completely who are in the middle of the court as he walks towards Taehyung.

The guards bow down and move away. The court hall is in pin drop silence, only Jeongguk's shoes can be heard as he finally stands in front of the omega. Jeongguk takes Taehyung's hand in his, expression firm and turns around to face his father.

"No one---no one is allowed to touch prince Taehyung. He has done nothing to be held in the holding place." Jeongguk announces and before anyone could object or sat anything, Jeongguk walks out of the court room, Taehyung behind him, hand locked tightly with Jeongguk's.

"Slow down." Taehyung whispers but Jeongguk doesn't listen because he wants to go far from here but he only has his room as an option right now. Jeongguk opens the door and shoves Taehyung inside lightly and closes the door with a loud thud and the omega isn't sure of what's to happen.

Jeongguk was fuming with anger. He loathed Lee, his ministry and his daughter and today, they crossed their limits.

"I can't believe she had the guts to even think about doing it. How dare she." Jeongguk fumes, walking back and forth in the room.

"It happened so fast." Taehyung whispers and Jeongguk looks at him, eyes softening and calming a bit.

"I don't wanna go to the cellar Jeongguk---I didn't do it." Taehyung pleads and Jeongguk knows it's not Taehyung's fault at all.

"I know, I know you did nothing and trust me, you're not going there, you'll stay with me, forever." Jeongguk softly says, walking towards Taehyung and taking his hands in his.

Taehyung might be over thinking but the word forever coming from Jeongguk made him so happy and forget every worry he feels in the moment.

"Thank you for standing up for me. Thank you so much." Taehyung smiles, eyes shining and Jeongguk kisses his hand.

"How could I've not? In Haethon, neither it's commers nor the royalty can have any power over you. You are here to live with me, as my life partner and I'll do anything to keep you out of any harm." Jeongguk says and Taehyung can't control his tears. Jeongguk's words are simply beautiful and they make Taehyung confident in his own self.

Taehyung immediately hugs Jeongguk tightly, feeling overwhelmed and contented to hear Jeongguk's thoughts. He couldn't believe he was going to push such an amazing person away. But the nightmare still haunts him and he'll have to talk to Jeongguk about it properproperly.

"Thank you Jeongguk, for everything." Taehyung says and the Alpha smiles, pecking Taehyung's lips.

"But why would lady Euna do that?" Taehyung says and Jeongguk sighs, his smile dropping.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asks. Jeongguk says nothing and walks towards the bed, Taehyung beside him. They both sit on the bed and Taehyung waits for Jeongguk to say whatever he has to.

"Lee has been the minister when I was young, maybe 5 or 6. Euna is Lee's oldest one so there was more often a time when we would play together and spend time." Jeongguk says and Taehyung already gets what could've happened.

"Father and Lee thought Euna and I should get married because we've known each other for so long but I didn't wanted to so I declined the offer." Taehyung frowns angrily at that. He won't tolerate anyone being near Jeongguk.

"And she's still trying?" Taehyung says and Jeongguk sighs again, nodding.

"I always knew Lee wanted to be more than just a minister. He wants power and for that he is using his daughter. If Euna was to get married to me, then of course Lee would gain immense power and I can't let that happen." Jeongguk continues.

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