Chapter 34: Tender

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung wastes no time and scurries out of Taeyong's hold. The other male immediately steps back and bows.

"I apologise your highness, I wasn't looking where I was heading." Taeyong says and the omega frowns.

"Why are you apologising? It's me who wasn't looking Taeyong-ssi. I should be apologising." Taehyung says because it's true. It's him who bumped into Taeyong not the other way around. Why did Taeyong even apologised.

"Oh no your highness, don't apologise. I'll make me feel bad." Taeyong says and bows his head this time.

"But thank you for catching or else I would've fallen." Taehyung smiles and Taeyong looks at him in a little surprise and then smiles. Taehyung thinks that Taeyong is kind---It's in his eyes.

"If you don't mind me asking, where were you rushing off to? You should be resting your highness." Taeyong asks and Taehyung sighs.

"I was going to see Jeongguk but he---he was catching up with his cousin I guess." Taehyung says and tries hard to smile but fails miserably. Taeyong's brows furrows at that.

"King Jeongguk is with Yujin?" Taeyong asks and Taehyung nods. Taeyong gritts his teeth and it doesn't get unnoticed by Taehyung.

"I won't keep you now your highness, I'll take my leave." Taeyong bows and smiles. Taehyung smiles too and then Taeyong walks towards Jeongguk and the omega towards his room, with a heavy heart.


"Taehyung!" Jeongguk says and gets up to go after his husband but is stopped by Yujin.

"Let go!" Jeongguk says as soon as Yujin's hand touches his wrist. She has caused a lot trouble already and Jeongguk wants to clear to Taehyung what he saw. Though it was nothing.

"Listen to me your majesty, please." Yujin says, almost begging but Jeongguk jerks away his hand.

"I don't want to and how dare you touch me." Jeongguk says but Yujin immediately kneels infront of him, clutching his hands together and begging.

"What are---". Jeongguk is cut short as Yujin speaks.

"Help me please your majesty. I need your help." Yujin cries and Jeongguk gritts his teeth, he just wants to go to Taehyung.

"What do you want." Jeongguk says. If she is going to ask him to marry her or something like that, he's going to rip her into pieces.

"My mother---she---." Yujin was now crying.

"She what?" Jeongguk asks, partly irritated.

"She wants me to marry some old merchant who comes from a far land." She says and Jeongguk is confused.

"Why?" Jeongguk asks.

"Just because he is rich. She wants wealth and she is sacrificing me." Yujin cries.

"What can I do for you in this? Why are you telling me this?" Jeongguk asks.

"I---I don't know your majesty but I've seen---I've seen your love for your husband. And it reminded of---it reminded of---my love." Yujin says in a distressed voice.

"Mother won't let me marry him because he was poor and I---I tried to run away but----"

"Was?" Jeongguk asks.

"He's dead. My mother got him killed." Yujin's voice holds so much pain that makes Jeongguk shudder. Hearing Yujin's cry made one thing clear that she loved that man a lot. The pain of losing your loved one---It's horrible---It's death.

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