Chapter 32: Coronation

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung won't say he met Jeongguk accidently. It wasn't an accident that his father had in mind the thought of marrying Taehyung to Jeongguk. Taehyung definitely would say that he met Jeongguk in the circumstances that were rushed and happened really fast.

Everything happens for a reason.

No Taehyung definitely believes this famous phrase. At first he didn't saw the truth and the beauty that Jeongguk's heart holds. All he knew that he was being hurt by his own family and that Jeongguk is no different than others alphas.

Oh how wrong I was. Taehyung now thinks. Jeongguk came in his life because it was a 'written in the stars thing'. Now Taehyung believes in all the things he once called myths. Destiny and love---were only myths for him but now---as he looks at Jeongguk sleeping soundly next to him, looking so adorable with his hair messy and lips parted as soft snores pass through them---

So now he believes, he believes with the depth of his heart that they exist. That he is in love with Jeongguk and he was destined to be with him just as Jeongguk loves him and was destined to be with him. He wants nothing more. He asks for nothing more except Jeongguk and his love and to be by his side for the rest of his life.

Taehyung places a soft kiss on Jeongguk's shoulder and lets his lips longer their for a while. There are tears in Taehyung's eyes but they are if happiness, of being grateful and so lucky to have Jeongguk with him.

Taehyung doesn't know what got in him as he immediately sits on Jeongguk's stomach, straddling him and starts kissing his face everywhere---lips, eyes, nose, cheeks---everywhere. Jeongguk squirms and opens his eyes, feeling soft lips attacking him so early in the morning.

He adjusts the blurriness and sees Taehyung smiling at him, bent a little over.

"Good Morning Gukkie." Taehyung softly says and starts prepping kisses all over his face again. Jeongguk smiles and gets up, causing Taehyung so slowly sit on his lap now.

"That's a beautiful start of morning." Jeongguk says, hands resting on Taehyung's waist. Taehyung giggles and circles his arms around Jeongguk's shoulder.

He stares into Jeongguk's eyes with so much love that Jeongguk's heart beat quickens. Taehyung's lips are curved just little in a smile and his hand now cups Jeongguk's face, thumb tracing his eyebrows, eyes and nose to his lips so sensually and with a soft, barely there touch that cause tickles of shiver in Jeongguk.

Jeongguk is well aware of Taehyung's tears that might fall any moment but he lets Taehyung do whatever he wants. Taehyung's other hand gently plays with Jeongguk's raven locks and the other still cups his face, the forefinger tracing his lips.

"I love you Jeongguk. I don't remember when I did but I know this very well that I will always love you. Always. I just want to be with you forever and I swear I'll die if I'll have to stay away from you. I can't live without you Gukkie. Believe me---I can't." Taehyung says in a desperate voice and Jeongguk unconsciously holds him closer.

Naked chests pressed together, skin to skin, a feeling of raw and burning love in their eyes. Jeongguk was rendered speechless once again by the beautiful wonder that is Jeon Taehyung---his love, his husband, his mate. His destiny.

Jeongguk captures the tear with his thumb that escapes from Taehyung's eye. Without saying anything, Jeongguk embraces Taehyung tighter. Strong arms wrapped around him as the omega tightens his hold around Jeongguk's neck, hiding his face in Jeongguk's neck.

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