Chapter 3: Stain

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung kept wondering why his brother wasn't there to welcome him and neither was prince Namjoon. If Seokjin is in the castle and knows about Taehyung's arrival then he should've come to see him. Taehyung wonders where his brother is.

Taehyung takes off his velvet coat and his boats to get comfortable. The metress is bouncy and the silk sheets are soft under his palms. He is really tired after having travelling for three days, and he was sleep deprived as well so as soon as his back hits the mattress, he dozes off.


"Well he doesn't seem to hate you." Hoseok speaks.

"I am not saying he hates me, he probably just despises me." Jeongguk says.

"That's worse." Hoseok utters and Jeongguk groans.

"You don't understand, I saw how he looks at his parents, how he looks at me, like we betrayed him. He looks at me with such vulnerable eyes that make me feel guilty." Jeongguk replies.

"Guilty for what?" Hoseok asks.

"He wanted me to say no to this marriage but I didn't, I couldn't. Maybe that's what he still has in his heart." Jeongguk says and Hoseok shakes his head.

"That's nothing Jeongguk, don't think like that. Give him time, let him adjust to this place, to the people and besides, Prince Seokjin is here, his brother, he will have no problem at all, trust me." Hoseok pats Jeongguk's shoulder.

"But Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung will be living in their own palace in the estate, it's not far but still, they won't be here." Jeongguk says.

"Then let him get comfortable with you. Make sure he is close to you so he won't feel out of place or stuff like that. He is going to be betrothed to you soon, then you both will be married, you better get him to be close to you and trust you." Jeongguk nods at Hoseok's words but then frowns.

"He has to leave here so better excepts it. I can't have him get close to me when he doesn't even want to talk to marry me." Jeongguk says and Hoseok snorts.

"You also didn't want to marry him but how quickly you changed your mind, so he will too. Just wait." Hoseok says and Jeongguk sighs.

"It's a forced marriage, I have ever no say in it and neither does he." Jeongguk replies.

"It's almost dinner time, I better wake him up." Jeongguk mummers as he walks away.


Taehyung was more than thankful to have woken up before the dinner or it would've been really embarrassing if he slept through the dinner. He gets up and rubs his eyes, stretching but still feeling the ache in his back.

The bath was ready for him and Taehyung washes off himself. Though after putting on the tight trousers, he is confused to see the silk top.

It's for women. Taehyung thinks as he looks at the long sleeved and backless knot top. But the Queen chose it for him so he puts it on, only to be met by another problem, he can't tie the ribbon on the back.

(U guys okay with Taehyung wearing slightly feminine clothes?)

Taehyung jumps when he hears a knock on the door.

"Prince Taehyung? Are you ready?" Taehyung hears Jeongguk's voice.

"Uh---yeah, I mean no, J-just a moment please." Taehyung stutters and turns his back to the mirror to get the knot done but it just seems impossible for his clumsy hands.

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