Chapter 26: Drifted

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) Boring

Third Person POV

Taehyung was laying on the bed, naked under the silk sheets, watching his lover getting dressed, a faint, sad smile present on his lips.

But does anyone know what Taehyung was feeling and going through from the moment he was marked? He felt like dying. Everytime he saw Jeongguk in pain just because of a stupid mistake he made which led there beautiful relationship to this.

He always thought of himself as not a blessing to anyone but a curse. He hated himself for always ruining others lives. He was the reason his father died and now he is hurting Jeongguk as well.

He knows how much Jeongguk is hurting inside. How much his wolf is wailing in pain and so is his but he to him, his own pain is nothing in front of Jeongguk's. He thinks he might deserve the pain but Jeongguk doesn't, his lover doesn't deserve any of this.

"I'm sorry Gukkie." Taehyung utters suddenly which makes Jeongguk halts. He faces Taehyung with a frown.

"For what Taehyung?" Jeongguk says and walks towards the bed, sitting down.

"You're hurting because of me. I'm sorry for that." Taehyung utters and Jeongguk knows where it's going. Taehyung will be degrading himself and taking blame if everything.

"It's not only me who is hurting Taehyung, you are too. Please don't say it's because of you." Jeongguk pleads.

"But it's true Gukkie. If I had listened to Seokjin hyung and stayed where I was, this wouldn't have happened." Taehyung says he's right---isn't he?

"You didn't knew it was going to happen Tae, no one did---".

"I should've fought him." Taehyung says as he gets up, silk sheets falling off his shoulder. "Not much but atleast a little but his Alpha voice---I couldn't do anything. He had me under control." Taehyung says in a broken voice, shuddering when he remembers it.

Jeongguk's blood boils, hearing it from Taehyung and how much pain he had been put to by that bastard.

"Baby, please stop blaming yourself. We both are in this together okay---and we're going to find a way out of it. You don't have to worry." Jeongguk assures but Taehyung closes his eyes, slowly shaking his head.

"It was so painful Gukkie, when he bit me, it was so hurting." A tear leaves Taehyung's eye and how much Jeongguk wants to wipe it away but he'll only hurt him.

"How will you find him. What if he isn't in Eriden. What if he's still here and we won't be able to find him?" Taehyung says because really---there are thousands of people in Haethon, how will they find the one who did this and if Wongjae's son is really behind it, then he must be in Eriden or all hope will be lost.

"Leave that to me. I'll rip him apart myself and make sure it's way more painful than the pain he made you go through." Jeongguk says, meaning it.

"I believe you Gukkie." Taehyung says and slowly places his hand on Jeongguk's. Both wincing with the touch but not pulling away. Taehyung kisses Jeongguk's hand and the Alpha stares at his omega with all the love though his smile soon fades when he realises he has to tell Taehyung that he'd be leaving for Eriden in no more than a week's time.

"I'm leaving for Eriden." Jeongguk says and curses himself silently for just saying it so carelessly.

Taehyung stares at him with teary eyes because he knows Jeongguk definitely has to leave but he hates to be the reason behind it.

"I'm putting you through so much Gukkie." Taehyung sobs and his head falls on Jeongguk's shoulder.

"I love you Jeon Taehyung and I'll even go to the depths of hell for you." Taehyung chuckles a bit in his crying but he knows Jeongguk would.

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