Chapter 14: Delighted

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"So you just told him why you lost control, about the imprinting then apologised and left?" Hoseok says and Jeongguk nods, hoping now Hoseok won't be mad at him anymore.

"Did he said he accepted your apology and forgave you?" Hoseok asks and Jeongguk stiffens.

Dammit, I never let Taehyung say anything and just left.

"Did he?" Hoseok asks again and Jeongguk gulps.

"I kind of left before he got to say anything." Jeongguk sheepishly says, rubbing his nape.

"Ah you idiot." Hoseok utters and Jeongguk smiles apologetically.

"I guess my hits weren't enough." Hoseok grins and Jeongguk quirks his eyebrow.

"About that---I'm gonna take my revenge now." Jeongguk says and charges towards Hoseok, tackling him to the ground. Hoseok was caught off guard and struggled to push away Jeongguk.

"You're so damn heavy, get off." Hoseok says but Jeongguk doesn't budge. Both males turn their heads when they hear someone cough and find Taehyung standing there, no expression shown on his face.

To say their position and the air wasn't awkward would be an understatement. Jeongguk was lost in staring Taehyung and it was Hoseok who noticed that their position isn't a nice one and quickly hits Jeongguk. The younger snaps out of his trance and notices the close proximity with Hoseok and immediately gets up.

Taehyung bites his lips to restrain himself from laughing as he sees flustered expressions on Hoseok and Jeongguk who stand there awkwardly.

"It's-it's not what it looks prince Taehyung." Jeongguk says.

"Yes your highness, Jeongguk is right." Hoseok utters immediately after Jeongguk.

"Did I asked?" Taehyung quirks his eyebrow. Hoseok and Jeongguk looks at each other awkwardly.

"We just don't want you to get think something else from this." Hoseok says.

"Think what?" Taehyung loves how he is getting control of both flustered males at the moment.

"Nothing your highness." Hoseok sheepishly says. Jeongguk stands quietly, his eyes only focused on Taehyung of course.

"Breakfast." Taehyung utters.

"Huh?" "What?" Both Hoseok and Jeongguk say at the same time and this time Taehyung couldn't control and starts giggling.

Why is it so awkward here? Jeongguk links Hoseok.

I'm gonna ask you the same thing because I don't know. Hoseok links back.

He doesn't look mad at you though. Hoseok says.

That's what confusing me. Jeongguk links back.

"It's breakfast time, I was looking for you because you." Taehyung says and Jeongguk and Hoseok don't know to whom he is talking.

"Breakfast yeah, of course." Hoseok almost yells, startling both Jeongguk and Taehyung. Without any other word, Hoseok bows and almost rushes towards the hallway, leaving Taehyung and Jeongguk alone in the garden.

Taehyung smiles softly at Jeongguk and the younger's mind almost melts. He is confused, way confused why Taehyung is acting like this, why isn't he mad at him.

"Let's walk together." Taehyung says, hoping he won't get rejected. Jeongguk gulps and nods dumbfounded.

"Yeah, sure." Taehyung beams happily when Jeongguk accepts his little request.

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