Chapter 38: Ignite

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk gently picks Taehyung up, placing his hands under his thighs. The omega locks his legs behind Jeongguk's waist and they keep kissing. Taehyung's backs arches against the door as Jeongguk's tongue brushes against his own, dancing erotically.

Jeongguk holds Taehyung from his waist by one arm and walks towards the bed, his lips never leaving Taehyung's. Taehyung's back hits the soft mattress and Jeongguk let's go of his lips and wastes no time to latch them on Taehyung's neck. The omega sucks in a shaky breath as Jeongguk bruises his neck with love bites.

The top is loosened when Jeongguk unties the knot, taking his time. He want tonight to go slowly. He is in no rush and after months, he wants to savour every moment with Taehyung right now.

Jeongguk hoists Taehyung up slightly and takes off his top completely, the golden skin on display which Jeongguk wants to mark. They both stare at eachother for a moment and then Taehyung brings Jeongguk closer for a sweet kiss, both almost lazily moving their lips.

Jeongguk starts placing small kisses on Taehyung's cheeks to his jaw and then towards his neck, staring to mark Taehyung with love bites again. Taehyung's fingers tucked Jeongguk's raven locks harder everytime the Alpha would bite or suck harder at the skin.

Taehyung never was the one to muffle the sounds that left his mouth and Jeongguk loved hearing them. Trailing his kisses from Taehyung's chest to Taehyung's soft tummy causes Taehyung to let out small giggles because of the tickling sensation.

"Gukkie. Take it off." Taehyung tugs at Jeongguk's jacket and the Alpha complies. He takes off his jacket and when he is about to take off his shirt, Taehyung stops him.

"I want to." Taehyung whispers and Jeongguk nods. The Alpha gets up and let Taehyung get up as well. The omega slowly brings his hand up to Jeongguk's top button and opens it, doing the the same with rest. Jeongguk's eyes are intense on him but neither of them are in a hurry. They want to take their time and love each other with all their hearts, no rush.

Taehyung slides off the fabric off of Jeongguk's shoulder and the slight brush of Taehyung's touch causing sparks in Jeongguk's body. Throwing away the piece of cloth, Taehyung admires Jeongguk's body. His eyes shinning, lower lip tucked under his teeth as his hands roam over Jeongguk's body as if he's doing it for the first time.

Taehyung's eyes hold so much love and warmth and an innocence too which shouldn't be there in the moment which is far from pure. But it isn't. It's love---and their love is pure and innocent. Their love is beautiful.

"Do you remember when you fell in love with me?" Taehyung asks, leaning closer and placing a soft kiss on Jeongguk's shoulder. Jeongguk's hands are on Taehyung's back, roaming around the expanse of his warm skin.

"I don't think I do." Jeongguk softly answers and Taehyung smiles against his skin. "Because everytime I recall the moments, from when I first saw you---It always felt like I'm love with you. I am in love with you." Jeongguk says and Taehyung's smile widens.

"From the moment you first saw me huh?" Taehyung teases but Jeongguk has no problem admitting it.

"Yes." Jeongguk says and Taehyung has successfully made two love bites on Jeongguk's skin.

"So it was love at first site." Taehyung says and Jeongguk smiles, nodding. Taehyung feels so giddy right now.

"Perfect." Taehyung mummers and pecks Jeongguk's lips. Taehyung grabs the waistband of Jeongguk's pants and lowers them slightly while sucking on Jeongguk's chest and finally to his hardened buds. Jeongguk groans at that and grabs Taehyung's hair softly.

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