Chapter 9: Betrothed

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

There might be many, many things in your life that make you feel alive and all that good giddy stuff but nothing---nothing can compare to your first kiss.

That was for both of them. Their first passionate kiss with each other was all that you could wish for a first kiss to be like. Beautiful and sweet. They might not know each other at all. It is just a start of something they were unexpectedly thrown in to but even after all that, they were in eachother's arms, lips perfectly fitting with each other.

Jeongguk begins to move his lips slowly, trying to be very careful to not over step his boundaries but he is relieved when Taehyung moves his lips along. It's not a heated one, of course yet it's hold such intensity that it makes both of them crave for more.

Jeongguk wants to hold Taehyung closer so he lifts him up making Taehyung easily be lifted off from the floor, feet dangling in the air. Taehyung fists Jeongguk's hair when the Crown Prince softly sucks on Taehyung's lower lips making the omega prince whimper.

They both don't care if they are in a middle of a hallway, they have no fear of being caught because the euphoric feeling of eachother's lips is all they are aware of for now.

And it's true, true that neither of them has ever felt so jovial and satisfied. They never thought they would find so much peace in eachother's presence.

Though Taehyung almost whines when Jeongguk pulls away because the Crown Prince still hasn't learned how to control himself with Taehyung. Taehyung sees red flash in Jeongguk's eyes but it quickly disappears but Taehyung isn't afraid and he doesn't flinch away.

"I guess you made up for the whole week." Taehyung says and Jeongguk chuckles.

"I am glad I did it then." Jeongguk answers and Taehyung smiles, playing with Jeongguk's collar. In this moment, they don't feel like strangers at all. They feel like they've been with each other for thousands of years.

"You can put me down now." Taehyung giggles and Jeongguk frowns then realizes he is holding Taehyung up. Jeongguk smiles sheepishly and lowers Taehyung, the omega trying his best not to give up on standing because the kiss has surely made him shook to the core.

Now they both stand in a comfortable silence, eyes locked with each other and contented smiles on their lips.

"Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow." Jeongguk says and promises himself to spend more time with Taehyung now.

"Goodnight." Taehyung smiles. Jeongguk takes Taehyung's hand in his and places a soft kiss on it and the omega blushes. Neither of them want to leave, finding eachother's company way more perfect than to be alone.

Entering his room, Jeongguk let's out a deep breath, smiling widely afterwards. His mind can't get out the soft feeling of Taehyung's lips. He doesn't know what happened to him at that moment, he wanted to do it. He knew Taehyung was way too shy to do it and he was dying to kiss Taehyung, ever since he saw him honestly.

Remembering the pillowy and gentle lips of Taehyung's against his own, how Taehyung was pressed close to him, how contented he sighed in the kiss, he was happy that Taehyung enjoyed it too.

This changes everything now. I have to tell him about the imprinting. Jeongguk thinks but for now, he sleeps with the beautiful omega stuck in his mind.


"So you are the omega prince of Mariana." Taehyung hears a man, probably in his early forties say as he was walking towards the library. He looked like an official of a high rank, considering he was wearing the office uniform of Haethon ministry.

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