Chapter 21: Beautiful

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) the outfits look a bit modern, think of them as ancient times.

Third Person POV

Jeongguk was in medicare right now and his wounds were being treated and so were Namjoon and the royal guard's. Jeongguk was confused, way too confused because he just thought of Taehyung's dream as of now importance but now, he wasn't so sure.

Taehyung had begged him to not go because of course the omega knew it would be dangerous and Jeongguk wanted to prove him wrong but ended up proving his own self wrong. He couldn't help but think who was Taehyung actually. Taehyung saw his father dying and he is dead. Taehyung saw him dying and.....

Jeongguk didn't cared about his life right now. All he wanted to know how special Taehyung is. What else the omega has hidden. Because for Jeongguk, it was sure that Taehyung is special.

Jihyun came in and wanted to talk to Jeongguk so she ordered everyone else to leave.

"Does it hurt still?" Jihyun asked even though she knew his son is already healing.

"No." Jeongguk half smiles.

"Taehyung was so worried about you, you should go see him after this." Jihyun softly says and Jeongguk nods, not really paying attention.

"Jeongguk dear, I am your mother, even when you try to hide it, I know there is something bothering you. You can always tell me you know." This time Jeongguk looks at his mother and smiles.

"There's nothing I'm trying to hide Mom, don't worry and I'll go see Taehyung after this." Jeongguk says but Jihyun isn't satisfied.

"You do know you're getting married to him tomorrow right?" Jihyun says and Jeongguk frowns.

"Of course I know that Mom. How can I forget that." Jeongguk sighs.

"Taehyung isn't just a rare specie, he is far more special than that." Jihyun says, staring at the floor.

"What do you mean?" Jeongguk says though of course he knows Taehyung is something more special than being just a male omega.

"Think about it dear, why is Taehyung so weak? Way weaker then the normal omegas?" Jihyun says and Jeongguk just wants his mother to stop using riddles and tell him what she is thinking.

"You have imprinted on him but what about him? Has he ever told you how he feels when you're around him. Do you know if his wolf has even excepted you as his Alpha?"

"What does that has to do with him being weak? And I know how he feels about me." Do I? Jeongguk says.

"His energy is being used by something, something that he is besides a male omega." Jihyun says and Jeongguk chuckles.

"You're saying he's some kind of a magical being, like a witch or something that can predict someone's death?" Jeongguk says.

"Predict death?" Jihyun asks and Jeongguk curses silently.

"I'm just saying and dear mother, you don't make any sense." Jeongguk says and Jihyun pouts.

"It can be possible you know." Jihyun says and Jeongguk smiles.

"Don't worry mother, Taehyung is fine and he's nothing more than a male omega." Jeongguk says though he can't agree on it.

Jihyun leaves after a while and Jeongguk gets up to go to his room. He wants to go to Taehyung because he knows the omega will be worried more after he left him in the corridor but he can't seem to have the courage right now. If he won't see him right now, he'll only get to see Taehyung at the wedding aisle.

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