Chapter 37: Sacrifice

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung knew he won't be able to say that name. He was so scared, even when Jeongguk was holding him close---he was still shaking and crying and he couldn't calm down. He just couldn't.

Jeongguk was worried now. Taehyung hasn't said anything and is just crying.

"Tae? It's okay. Please stop crying." Jeongguk whispers. Is it okay though? Is it going to be okay? No that Taehyung has seen someone dying. Jeongguk shudders at the thought.

Moments later, Taehyung calms down but his mind is a mess. He's is again feeling the dread he felt when he saw Jeongguk in his dream.

"Who---who is it?" Jeongguk carefully asks as he stares into his mate's eyes which holds so much pain.

"Gukkie." Taehyung sobs.

"It's okay baby, tell me. It's okay." Jeongguk doesn't know why he said that. Maybe because he hopes everything will be okay.

"I saw---I saw Hoseokie." And Taehyung again breaks down. Jeongguk couldn't believe his ears. He hopes he heard wrong there's no way he heard his best friend and royal guards name. His hands are not tight around his mate now, they just rest lazily there. His eyes are wide in shock. This can't be true.

"We have to---we have to inform him. We can save him. Nothing can get wrong if we are careful. If he's careful." Jeongguk assures Taehyung and himself as well.

"Sacrifice." Taehyung says between his cries.


"A sacrifice. It can save two lives." Taehyung says.

"Two lives?" Jeongguk was confused. "You saw someone else too?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung shakes his head in no.

"Sacrifice." Taehyung keeps whispering and falls asleep in Jeongguk's embrace. Jeongguk couldn't sleep. He softly lays Taehyung on his side of bed and puts the blanket over him. He watches Hansol sleeping peacefully in the cart next to the bed on Taehyung's side.

He places a kiss on Taehyung's forehead and on Hansol's as he gets up and walks outside the room. Jeongguk can't explain what he is feeling right now. He will tell Hoseok for sure but then what? How will he be able to save his life.

Sacrifice. What did Taehyung meant by that? Two lives? It was a mess. Jeongguk walks towards where his royal guards sleep. Walking inside the large room, he sees all of them sleeping. Then he sees Hoseok who is on a bed between Daniel's and Yugyeom's.

He doesn't wake him up. Watching him with sad eyes, he retreats and walks out, sighing deeply. With a heavy heart, he walks back in the room. He hugs Taehyung closer and doesn't remember when he fell sleep.


"What do you mean he is out?" Jeongguk yells at Yugyeom who doesn't even know what's the matter.

"You told him yourself that he has to visit the markets today and report to you. Have you forgotten that?" Yugyeom tells him and Jeongguk is panicking.

He was in the court hall and called Hoseok and the two other to tell him about Taehyung's dream but he found out from Yugyeom that Hoseok is in the markets. Jeongguk himself had told him to visit the place and forgot. If only he had said something last night---

"Who else is with him?" Jeongguk asks.

"Daniel, Chan and lady Yujin." Yugyeom says and Jeongguk is already grabbing his jacket and sword.

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