Chapter 36: Innocence

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

There were moments---a lot of moments when Taehyung would think his existence is nothing but a burden to others.

He used to think like that when he'd see his father worried about him being the centre of attention of many Alphas. He used to think that when his mother would be equally worried like his father.

He used to have that thought when he'd have his heats. And when he wouldn't even be able to stand properly due to his legs giving up.

He used to think of himself as the cause of everyone's problems. He used to feel pathetic of being so weak in front of any Alpha that would use their Alpha voice and those were many people---his father, his mother, Jaehwan, Jeongguk and Yoongi---Woojin. He never blamed though, it was him who was the weak one.

Used to. Yeah, used to. Now---now Jeongguk's eyes hold so much love for him as if he hangs the moon for him every night. Taehyung realises that it's only Jeongguk's thoughts that matter to him. He doesn't care about anyone else.

And how much Taehyung feels treasured and special when he looks at Jeongguk to steel a glance at his lover and finds Jeongguk already looking at him. Jeongguk's eyes hold such a strange power that once Taehyung looks in them---he's just lost in their depth. The deep brown irises become his home.

And when Jeongguk praises his body---praises every little feature of Taehyung with such honesty and love that now makes Taehyung love his body a little. It's because of Jeongguk that his perspective on himself and his body changed---to a good one.

But there's that one time when Taehyung loves to be weak. When he willingly submits himself. It's when Jeongguk's lips make his knees give up and he is dependent on Jeongguk's hold. And that's what he loves. The way Jeongguk holds him so tight yet so gentl. Firm and assured that he is never letting go. That's when Taehyung doesn't and will never mind being weak.

It's just that Jeongguk's kisses and touches are so---so thrilling and intense that he can't help but let himself be submissive to his Alpha. And that Alpha makes sure to treasure him each and every time.

And Jeongguk knows this. Taehyung was never the one to hide his feelings. Even if he won't speak, Jeongguk knew exactly the art to read Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung never told him all this directly. Some by his words but mostly by his actions. To prove him how much he loves Jeongguk.

Now Taehyung is sitting by the window, watching the December snow setting the whole Haethon to freezing. But Taehyung loves to feel that thrilling cold air sometimes---just for a while before he always returns to the warmth of the room.

Taehyung has a beautiful smile on his face---the night has fallen long ago but Taehyung just couldn't sleep. He looks back to the bed, his smile widening and chest filling up with warmth.

There's sleeping Jeongguk, tucked under the blanket---his arm slightly over a two weeks old Jeon Hansol who is also sleeping soundly in his small blanket around him, arms slightly raised on either sides. Taehyung's eyes tear up but he doesn't let them fall.

On that bed is Jeon Taehyung's whole world. His loving husband and their little son. Taehyung's world revolves around these two and he is nothing without them.

Taehyung walks towards the bed and he doesn't put the baby in the swing bed this time. He just climbs up and settles under the blanket, hand placed over Jeongguk's as he slowly and gradually fall asleep.


"Hoseok? Hoseok? Hey!" Daniel yells the last part, startling Hoseok and bringing him out of his thoughts.

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