《Thank You》End

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Hello beautiful people. How are you guys.

Sooooo.....another book ends. Woooh

Honestly speaking, I wasn't really satisfied with this story. Major reason of it was it didn't turn out the way i wanted it. It was really rushed and sooooo many chapters were boring.

Though I hope you all liked it and I hope it was worth your time.

Thank you all sooooooo much for reading this book and supporting it just like the others. You guys are the best and I love you all.

Thank you for all the lovely comments, for making me laugh through your comments. Thank you for all the praises and motivation. Thank you for voting and thank you for staying. It means so damn much.

I hope you all will be supporting me in next works too, I just need to make up my mind to start writing another book right now or in summer vacations but anyway....I hope you guys will be there....I know you all will be :)

Thank you once again. Goodbye until next time.



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I love TAEKOOK to infinity. ❤❤❤

Have a good day and peaceful night.

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