Hey loves!

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First and foremost if you only read this far then I hope you know that you're beautiful inside and out. Take care my darlings.

Okay so you continued reading I guess you're more persistent. I like you even more now ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

This is goning to be my very first fanfic and I'm so excited.I have read so many fanfictions at this point that I just really wanted to try and write one of my own.

I wanna have a proper introduction.

(Oops) Hi!(^)

I am 19 (at least when I wrote this because there's no way I'll come back and change this every year I'm way too lazy for that)

I'm from Hungary (I know, even us Hungarians find it hard to know where that is)

I'm studying to be a doctor.

I have no talent in anything but I know how to play the flute .

(I'm a very interesting and cool person I know, feel free to leave a comment telling me something about you so we can be besties )



-This is boyxboy obviously and I only write/read Larry Stylinson.

-I don't own the boys and this is all fictional there is nothing in the story that actually exists if it does (like locations) then it wasn't my intention and it's not the same as what you'll read in this story.

-There is swearing in this AU, if profanity bothers you please don't read.

-There will be smut later on, versatile (can be skipped, I'll put an inside warning)

-This AU plays in a prison so there are mentions of different crimes.


If any of that would bother you or triggers you please don't read the story and if you want to talk you can message me privately.

Thank you so much for reading this very long and boring part and if you decide to read I hope you'll enjoy it.

Editing me: This is not my best work. I'm not saying it's bad or anything but this was my first ever book and I had no idea what I was doing, so maybe lower your expectations. I still am going to keep this book up cause this started it all and my other stories look less shitty if you see the improvement

Have a nice day!

All the love, B

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