Chapter 11

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A/N: Completely irrelevant but absolutely necessary picture: CHECK

Bomb-ass joke at the end:CHECK

Hello, it's me q(^-^q)

Anywho, happy reading bubbies

Niall was going inside the prison and he was excited to see Steve again since he was finally back. He headed to the resting room where most of the guards were already changing.

„Hey mate how are you doing?" Niall smiled at his friend when he caught the glimpse of Steve.

„I'm a lot better thank you. Is everything alright around here? Where is Lou?"

„Yeah the inmates are completely under control and I have no idea."

Olly came from the other side of the room over to them.

„He was here not that long ago. Styles had another panic attack. So he might be late cause he slept in after leaving today."

„Yeah probably, have a good day Olly. Steve, are you coming with?"

They waved goodbye to Olly, who was on his way home, and headed towards the prisoners to check on them.

„We got this floor you do the one above." Niall said to the other guards while he and Steve started on the floor, talking quietly about how Steve spent his free time and what happened while he was gone.

However the next thing they saw definitely startled them.

They reached the last cell and Styles was still asleep which isn't the reason for their shock but the fact that his door was wide open and Louis was still there and sleeping with the killer all cuddled up.

Niall didn't understand Louis' kindness towards that monster but he lost it in that second finally done with Louis' irresponsibility.

That person killed his best friend and Louis is there cuddling him. What the actual fuck?!

„Oh my god" Niall looked over to Steve who was just as surprised as him but apparently not for the same reason.

„The cell is open! Louis really just left it like that?"

Niall ignored him and stormed inside. He grabbed Louis and pulled him off with such force that he painfully landed on the ground.


Harry was awakened by someone very strongly jerking Louis away from under him.

For a second he didn't know where he was or what was happening he only knew that he has to stop whoever is trying to hurt his angel.

He jumped out of bed and tackled the person to the ground immediately.

„Don't you dare touch him." He was yelling at someone but he still didn't register a thing. His eyes were clouded and he couldn't focus on anything.

Louis just stood there and everything was so fuzzy.

He saw Steve yelling but didn't understand what he was shouting, he saw Niall being on the ground and finally, he saw Harry on top of Niall screaming at him to stop hurting Louis.

Louis slowly realised what was happening but he still didn't know what to do. Guards came not long after because of the noise.

Harry wasn't hurting Niall he just held him down. He kept telling him not to touch Louis while pinning the lad to the floor of his cell.

I believe you -L.S. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now