Chapter 9

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A/N As I promised here's the next chapter hope you'll like it. Have a happy reading loves!

„I'm sorry mate please don't freak out from what I'm about to say." Liam exclaimed with a worried look on his face. He was anxious that Louis wouldn't take the news too well.

And man he was right because as soon as the next sentence left Liam's mouth Louis felt his world crumbling down and he couldn't help the sobs that started to rock through his petite body.

„He's not here, the ambulance took him he's in the St James hospital." Liam started cautiously but it still got the exact reaction out of Louis that he wanted to avoid.

Louis was hectic. What could have happened that resulted with his angel in hospital?

Louis was startled by Liam who shook his shoulders with quite the force.

„Louis can you hear what I'm saying?" Liam waited for a response getting none, besides the sobbing, you could hear nothing.

„Louis he's alright can you hear me out?"

That got his attention, maybe Harry's fine. He looked at Liam with such hopeful eyes that it made Liam freeze completely.

He obviously noticed before how fond of Styles Louis is. But he's never assumed that he cared this much.

However, Liam decided to question it later why Louis acted like Styles was his family or something.

„As I was saying if you would stop freaking out. He was taken to hospital because we needed to run tests to figure out what have caused the sickness. He was in a lot of pain and he wanted you here but when I asked he told me to ask you not to come in today but rest since he's not going to attend the session."

„So he was better when he was escorted to the hospital?" Louis ignored the part where Harry asked him not to come, because he was Louis.

„Not really he wasn't sick anymore but he was in a lot of pain."

„I'm going to the hospital now, see you next... whenever." Louis didn't wait for an answer he just turned around and ran out to his car.

He still had tear stains down his cheeks but willed his hysteria to stop before he started to drive since it's not really safe.

He stormed inside the quiet hospital. There weren't many people it was around 3 AM after all.

„HARRY STYLES! WHICH ROOM?" Louis really didn't mean to yell at the poor woman behind the desk but he felt physically sick. He needed to see Harry. And he needed to see him now.

„I'm afraid Mr.Styles can't have any visitors since he's a prisoner only guards can go in." The woman snapped at Louis and it was clear that he didn't make the best first impression.

He needed a new plan.

„No wait please you don't understand I work for him, I mean with him, I'm a doctor myself, his doctor...please" Louis' plan wasn't to beg but it kind of turned out like that.

„I'm afraid I don't understand. Who are you?"

„Are you stupid? I just said that I work for the prison." Louis really didn't know why he was arguing with this random person when his angel was hurting.

His tears were freely escaping his eyes yet again but now it was because he felt so unable, useless. Harry needed him and he wasn't there.

The woman was just about to call the security as she opened her mouth a different voice beat her to it.

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