Chapter 21

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As the next morning rolled around Louis and Harry were shaken from their incredibly resting slumber by Louis' alarm.

They were still all cuddled up and yet again Louis could feel himself being absolutely boiled.

„Gezz, how are you radiating this much heat?" Louis pulled his limbs from Harry's tight embrace but Harry didn't budge, he just held Louis closer.

„No don't go. You're so soft."

Louis was laughing at that but he still pulled fully away since he couldn't tolerate the warmth of Harry right now. This resulted in the cutest thing ever as now Harry was pouting at Louis.

„Come on little one, up we go. We have to leave soon."

„No. I don't wanna, come back to bed with me." Harry was still pouting, making grabby hands at Louis.

„I said up Harry, I'm gonna leave you if don't get up." Louis was threatening Harry in a joking manner but it really didn't have any results.

„Why should I get up? What's in it for me?"

„Ohm. I could make breakfast." Louis suggested but Harry only shook his head clearly not impressed.

„Mean, I'm an amazing cook. Okay what about a kiss? If you get up I'll give you a kiss. Does that sound like a deal?"

As Louis was talking he couldn't help but feel that this is exactly how he wanted to spend the rest of his life.

Also Harry couldn't possibly decline that so he reluctantly climbed out of bed and walked to where Louis was standing.

Harry pulled Louis flesh to his front so Louis had to slightly tilt his head upwards and as Harry was just about to connect their lips Louis put his hand up so Harry's mouth ended up on the back of Louis' knuckles.

„But Boo Bear, as much as I love your hands, that wasn't the deal."

„Don't call me that." But Louis tried to be mad to no avail, he couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of him.

„You're right that wasn't the deal. I always keep my word Harold you better know that, however I think we shall both brush our teeth first."

„Alright." Harry grumbled and went to his bathroom to do as Louis asked.

Harry was finished so he walked to the opposite bathroom where Louis was still brushing his own teeth. Harry stopped behind him and wrapped him up in a hug.

As soon as Louis put back his toothbrush into its holder he was whipped around in Harry's arms, facing Harry who looked expectantly at him with his eyebrows slightly raised.

Louis smiled but it looked rather mischief if Harry thinks back to it. Louis stood taller onto his tip toes and placed his lips on Harry's cheek.

„There. You've got your kiss love. Now do eggs sound good enough?"

Louis was already walking away but he was immediately pulled back by Harry wrapping his arms around Louis' waist from behind and pulling him back while turning his own body and pushing Louis' right up against the wall of the bathroom.

Louis' mouth fell agape by Harry's sudden action but he couldn't say he didn't love it.

„So that's what you made me get up for?" Harry's voice dropped octaves as he was keeping Louis pressed to the wall with his own body and Louis tried really hard to hide the shiver that ran through his entire body.

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