Chapter 19

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A/N: Love is love

Love is equal

Never forget that. You are who you are, and that's the way it should be.


Louis and Harry awoke in the same position as they fell asleep. Just a mess of limbs tangled together, Louis' face completely covered by Harry's hair, and him being pressed to Louis' front.

And man Harry understood what Louis was talking about yesterday with them not sleeping long as they were waken up by a bunch of little feet jumping on them yelling to get up.

Louis opened his eyes and unwrapped one of his arms from around Harry to grab one of the twins and started to tickle Doris who was closer to him.

Harry let out an embarrassing little whine at the loss of Louis' warmth from around him and opened his own eyes to get it back.

However he was met with not just the twins but the whole bunch.

Literally each Tomlinson was there laughing at them and just like that Harry understood how compromising their position is as they should have slept separately.

He tried to pull away but he was laying very close to the side and it was too late to catch himself so he just fell face first on the carpeted floor of Louis' room.

This resulted even more laughing from everyone. Louis tipped his head downwards looking at Harry, grinning at him.

„Good morning, little one."

Harry grunted lowly and laid back down on the floor but couldn't help his own smile from spreading.

Everyone left the room and so did Jay after saying that breakfast is ready so they should come down.

Louis was pulled away by Phoebe who came back to show something to his brother before their meal.

Harry just got up and quickly got his hair tie and put his hair up in a bun as he looked crazy.

He then proceeded to head downstairs and into the kitchen. Everyone was already there, he saw that there is one chair left for him next to Louis.

The tiny lad was looking at something his sister was showing in her phone but he looked rather bored sipping on his tea.

„What would you like to drink darling?" Jay smiled warmly at Harry as he lifted himself up to sit on the chair next to Louis'.

„Tea would be lovely for me too, thank you."

Louis looked up and choked on his tea, literally coughing for seconds.

Harry had a fucking bun.


Damn that boy could make anything look good but Louis really wasn't ready for this. Fortunately no one put it together why he had that reaction. That would have been awkward.

They sat and had their breakfast with mostly Lottie chatting about how's school going for her. When they were done Harry and Louis headed back upstairs to have a shower.

„You can go first." Louis smiled at Harry while lying back on the bed, so Harry took out fresh clothes and went to take a shower.

As he was washing down his body he let his mind wonder back to yesterday.

They were both completely fine with their closeness and this morning Louis' family didn't even blink an eye at the fact that they were cuddling.

He finished and got out to dry himself off but he only had his clothes in, not his towel. He really didn't want to walk out the bathroom for two reasons.

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