Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey loves I hope y'all are having a wonderful day. Once again the purpose of this note is that I want to WARN you: This chapter includes smut. If you don't like that please don't read it. Also if you skip this chapter which is pure smut you'll be able to continue on with the next one since I promised in the beginning that it won't affect the basic plot of the story.

But let's be real we all know that you won't skip this chapter. Aham. I see you. Ya NASTY.

Enjoy (•̀ᴗ-)

Louis was in his room, he wasn't sure where Cliff was but he could find him later. He didn't feel like that's something to worry about right now, however he did have a feeling, a very certain feeling but he couldn't really put a finger on it.

He was standing in front of his mirror. He was still in the clothes that he wore to work today. A light blue button up and his favourite black skinnies that made his bum look great.

He had his hair in his usual quiff, it looked so soft and it was. Louis liked his hair, it was very easy to handle.

As he was examining himself, he saw movement in the mirror. It was a reflection of a person behind him.

Was someone in Louis' house?

He didn't have time to process anything properly, he was about to turn in the direction of the figure when hands wrapped around his petite waist. He quickly looked up and his mouth was left agape.

What the hell is happening?

Louis didn't understand how this is possible. He was sure he's going mad, it couldn't possibly be true.

The body pressed against him was tall, hovering over Louis but not in a scary way.

Suddenly Louis was whipped around and they were face to face. He locked eyes with Harry.

As in Harry Styles.

As in a person who couldn't possibly be there.

As in a man who didn't know where Louis lived.

As in someone who was in prison.

But there he was staring at Louis with those amazing green eyes. His orbs looked different though they were dark filled with lust and want for Louis.

„What are you doing here? How?" Louis' voice came out small and very quiet.

„This is not possible" It was more for himself than Harry to hear.

Harry was studying Louis for what felt like forever but in reality it was probably just a few minutes.

Louis didn't know what to do and somehow he was unable to form words. He was lost, staring back at Harry, he looked so amazing and wasn't wearing the uniform of prisoners.

He had on a white V-neck shirt and some black sweats. Louis wondered how someone can make such simple items look so good. But he had to snap out of it.

This is not possible that's all that Louis kept repeating again and again in his head but Harry was still there no matter how hard Louis tried to blink and make him go away.

Harry started to lean in and Louis' breath got caught in his throat.

Is this even real? Well it damn looks like.

As Harry got closer Louis knew that he should push him off and run for a phone and call the police.

But he was frozen from the shock or maybe something else but Louis definitely wasn't ready to admit that.

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