Chapter 14

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A/N: So Yesterday I was walking to the kitchen, singing Just Hold On and my mum was watching the TV in the living room giving me a look. I asked her to tell me how great my voice is. And you guys she straight up said this. I'm not kidding:

"You're very beautiful today."

Like I'm sorry what? Aren't parents supposed to see their kids like they are the most perfect thing ever?!

Whatever I just continued on but I was singing Christina Aguilera-Beautiful.

Anygays, happy reading my loves

The next morning rolled around and Harry was as low as one can get.

He completely lost all hope of him having a normal life and being able to stand on his own feet. At the end of the day he didn't even finish collage.

He was doing his last year, which mostly contained his exams. He was so close to becoming a teacher like he always wanted.

But now he can't possibly finish if he doesn't even have roof above his head.

He grumpily made his way to the sink in his cell and washed his face and teeth.

After he was done with that he just waited for the guards to come and get them to work when their usual check up was over.

He heard the door clicking so he got up, but it wasn't the guards. It was Louis who as cheerful as ever was making his way towards his office.

Louis stopped and smiled at Harry but it quickly turned into a frown since Harry wasn't fast enough to cover his own mood.

„Hi love, how are you doi...What's wrong angel?"

And even after everything, even though Harry has no hope, no future, nothing, he had Louis so he was physically unable to stop his smile from spreading.

It wasn't very big but it was a smile nonetheless.

„Nothing just didn't get a good night's sleep." Harry wanted to tell Louis the full truth but he already was always just whining and he really didn't want Louis to get bored of him.

His doctor was getting him out, supporting him, believing him when no one else, he can't ask for even more.

„Oh, alright we can talk about that as well when you come. I should go now cause I have a new case and I need to prepare for it, but I also wanted to talk to you about something so we discuss everything when you have your time okay?"

„Yeah, have a nice day Lou." Harry smiled at him and saw that now the guards were finally coming for the check up.

„You too, little one."

Harry watched as Louis made his way to his office and disappeared into it, with Louis disappearing so did Harry's smile.


Louis was anxious, he knew what needs to be done and he figured that he's over thinking it but he really didn't want Harry to freak out and now Harry was also in quite the bad mood.

For the first time ever Louis was not waiting for their time together so obviously it came sooner than ever before.

There was a knock and Harry was already coming in to have a seat.

At this point Harry had the most freedom out of the inmates since he was never troublesome and after the lock down he earned everyone's respect.

Now Niall also didn't hate him so he could basically walk anywhere inside the prison without cuffs or the true attention of any guards.

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