Chapter 18

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Louis was awakened from one of the best rests of his life. He was out cold all night. He was sleeping so deeply that he hasn't even had a dream.

He turned off his alarm and was over the moon because today he'll see his family.

He got out of his bed and put on his glasses while making his way to Harry's room since he wasn't sure if Harry set an alarm or not.

He reached Harry's door and knock softly on it. He heard no response so he cracked the door open in the slightest.

He saw Harry sound asleep in a bundle of blankets, cuddling with a pillow. Honestly Harry was the most adorable human ever, at least he was in Louis' eyes.

Louis walked in since they had one hour to get ready so he figured he'll wake Harry himself.

He gently sat next to Harry on the bed and pushed a random strand of hair out of Harry's face, then left his hand resting on Harry's shoulder.

Or at least where it would be if it wasn't for the layers of sheets surrounding him.

„Wake up sunshine. We got to get ready."

Harry's eyes fluttered open, really not used to waking up like this and not by the yelling of the guards.

He smiled at Louis who looked as flawless as ever, like a fucking model in the morning, the MORNING. And here was Harry probably looking like a homeless man. Life is unfair.

Harry buried his face into the blanket hiding from Louis and the older lad couldn't help his laugh at how cute he was being.

„Come on love let's go and have breakfast yeah?"

Harry was about to answer that first Louis needs to leave and give Harry a few hours to look at least a little better but even before he would start his rambling Cliff decided that the two were taking way too long so he dashed into the room and jumped on Harry's bed.

He first licked at Harry's jaw that was the only part of his face visible from his hiding then he simply sat on top of him and kept nudging Louis' hand, on Harry, with his nose.

„Well I guess you're right and we shouldn't stop Cliff from having his food."

Louis chuckled and petted Cliff on the head while getting up. After Louis, Cliff got off of Harry immediately.

So Harry got up himself and thought that whatever, Louis saw him in worse conditions.

All three headed down and while Louis got Cliff's food Harry just stood to the side awkwardly not knowing where anything is to help.

„Here you go buddy." Louis straightened up and looked in Harry's direction.

„So what would say about cereal, cause that's all I can make."

„Or you could make us tea and I'll make some pancakes."

„REALLY? You would do that? That's so cool. I love pancakes." Louis was jumping around like a five-year-old and Harry absolutely loved this side of Louis.

He sometimes acted like a kid and that was truly endearing.

„Of course I'll just need your help in finding stuff."

So after that Louis got out all the ingredients to make pancakes and while getting them he was giving a little tour just for the kitchen but way more detailed than yesterday.

Harry started to make them when everything was out for him and Louis put some water into the boiler and got out two mugs.

He had matching rainbow mugs and Harry couldn't help his smile that spread from that.

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