Chapter 17

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They finally reached the mall and a thought just flashed through Harry's mind that made him dread stepping a foot out of Louis' car. Louis saw Harry's hesitation so he didn't get out either.

„People will recognize me, won't they?"

Louis understood right off what Harry meant, at the night of the murder and in the weeks following it, the case was everywhere.

There is really just the slightest chance of anyone not knowing who Harry is.

And Louis knows that there was broadcasting about the case being reopened, however many people are already thinking that the court made a big mistake.

It happened today but it was already all over the news.

Louis knows that Harry doesn't even know that part since Louis checked when Harry was playing with Cliff.

„Listen you're absolutely right there's no way that most of these people wouldn't recognize you however just because they do, it doesn't mean that anything will happen and if something still does I'm here and we'll just solve it together and go home."

Harry still looked very unsure so Louis faced him even better and grabbed Harry's cheeks to make him do the same.

„Do you trust me?"


„Then let's go."

And that was it.

Louis was out of the car and Harry figured that he's right so he got out as well and they started to head inside.

They stepped through the doors and Harry felt like fainting.

As he wasn't sure if he will pass out or throw up from the crowd that was there, Louis grabbed his hand to distract him and also started to tug Harry towards a shop that Harry couldn't even read the name of but he would assume that it was like a Vans store or something from the inside.

Harry seemed paranoid at this point looking backwards every second minute and making Louis quite dizzy with all the head motions that he was doing.

Louis was worried that he'll get a panic attack so he grabbed the first thing that was the closest to them, which happened to be some sort of jumper and dragged Harry towards the changing rooms.

He showed the lady there the jumper who gave them the number one. (A/N: I don't know if that's something that people in London do but in Hungary to prevent thieving you get a card with a number on it that you have to return when you come out to show that you didn't steal any of the items, so we're going to pretend that that's the case here as well. Honestly I've shopped in London before but I can't remember this.)

Harry's breathing was hectic but he didn't seem too far. To Louis it really didn't look like a panic attack so he figured that they could just fix it with some peace and quiet.

Louis closed the door of the changing room and it was just the two of them with the distant voice of chattering and the music that was playing in the store.

The shorter lad pulled Harry into a tight hug and as he tried his best to reassure him he also realized that he missed hugging Harry, like he hugged him this morning but he already missed it, he ignored his stupid clinginess and focused on getting Harry to calm down completely, which seemed to work, probably because it was just the two of them.

Louis ever so slowly pulled away but only far enough to look into Harry's eyes which were glistening with tears.

They kept on hugging since Harry didn't let go of Louis, so Louis figured that he's not ready however he didn't seem to be able to tear his gaze from Harry's breathtaking green orbs and Harry also didn't move his eyes away so Louis slowly leaned in and rested his forehead against Harry's so they were able to hug and keep eye contact.

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