Chapter 3

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Liam was beyond worried when he started hearing the cries of Styles and went to have a look. When he realized that he's having a nightmare he tried to wake him up.

He started calling Styles and he hit the bars a few times but it didn't work as Harry didn't snap out of it, so Liam opened his door and went inside to wake him.

Talking was not useful, so he grabbed his shoulders and started to lightly shake him.

Harry was shaken awake, while he was yelling for them to stop. The curly-haired lad was panting heavily and for a few seconds he didn't know where he was and that scared him even more.

Someone was talking to him but he couldn't tell who was it or what they were saying.

Slowly he slipped back to a conscious state and realized that Liam was holding him down while talking to him, asking again and again if he was okay.

There were 2 other guards in his cell who he has never seen before or at least doesn't remember. He completely regained his posture and stopped panicking.

He shook Liam off and turned away from them, not saying a single word. Liam sighed and told him to try to sleep and ask if he needs something.

The guards waited for a minute to see if he would say anything but he didn't so they left and closed Harry back to be all alone.

Harry kind of wished that Louis was the one waking him up, the simple thought of the cheerful lad was making him calmer.

Even though Liam has told him to, he didn't try falling back asleep, he just sat there thinking on how everything was in his life right now.


Louis has been dreaming with Harry's case.

He was watching people getting murdered from different angles and Louis was sure he'll never read files on this case again before going to bed.

While he headed to the kitchen to make something to eat, he was thinking about what he was going to do in today's session with Harry.

He had to be more professional than yesterday, he can't just tell the kid so many random things about himself, he was supposed to make him tell what have happened not listen to Louis' idiotic stories.

He wondered how he could make Harry talk or at least trust him. He snapped out of it once he reached his workplace, sighing defeated as he didn't come up with a plan, well at least he still got some time till the session.

Louis has walked the small path to the gates and said hi to a few of his friends he passed while making his way to his office.

When he was passing the break room, he greeted all the guards there and was about to leave when he was stopped by Liam.

"Mate I actually wanted to talk to you, before I head home." Liam was already in his normal clothing not his uniform, which consisted of a simple black tee and some ripped black jeans.

"Sure walk with me?" Louis walked out and was followed by Liam. He waited patiently for Li to start talking.

They were almost there and Liam hasn't said a word so he figured he wanted a little more privacy.

They passed the last cell where Harry was simply seated on his bed, looking out towards Louis' office like he usually did.

Louis let himself wonder for a second why, maybe Harry wants to see Louis, or does he like his office?

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