Chapter 15

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The next week went by in the blink of an eye. Harry and Louis spent every single minute that they had talking about everything and nothing.

Harry sometimes got the feeling of being a burden in those times Louis made sure to tell him not to be silly and that they will be fine.

It was already the day of Harry's court trial and he couldn't be any more nervous. He has to go to the court which means that he will have to face people.

People whom believe that he is a murderer. Cameras and reporters who will try to make a headline.

The worst part according to Harry is the fact that he can't see Louis. Louis will be there but he can't go with Harry.

Not when he has to ride with the guards, not when he has to go in while being accused by strangers.


He had to get up bright and early today. He was allowed to take a morning shower which they never can, except if they have a date like Harry has one now.

So Niall came and took him to the shower room.

„Are you nervous, excited? How do you feel?"

Harry found it weird that Niall asked him that, they were being nice to each other but Harry wouldn't per say that they were friends.

Maybe Niall thinks that they should try since he will live with Louis. Who knows?

„Oh, I do actually feel quite nervous. I think we both know how I react to people randomly judging me."

„Okay well instead of that answer I'll definitely tell Lou that you're happier than ever."

Oh well that made more sense than Niall wanting to be his friend, Harry nodded his head because the last thing he wanted to do was to have his Louis upset.

„And by the way you'll be released and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks as long as they're not right. At the most people will need time, look at us, I wanted to strangle you with my own hands from the first time we met, only Lou was keeping me from that, and now we're like best mates."

„We are?" Harry couldn't help but be completely gobsmacked.

„Of course mate, I really am thankful that you gave me one more chance (A/N chonce). And you're part of us now whether you like it or not, Louis is not letting you go so you're stuck with this."

Harry couldn't help but hug the blonde in front of him thanking him over and over again.

„And I think you should just look forward to something so as soon as you're out we will take you to have some drinks we'll let loose. You'll meet Zayn, he and Lou are probably the closest they connected on a whole different level. You'll love him though."

Harry was pretty sure that he isn't that nice, no one should connect with his Louis at all. Niall oblivious to Harry's distaste to his words continued.

„They're basically brothers, and you can also meet Gigi, Zayn's girlfriend and Cheryl who is Liam's girlfriend. It will be so much fun. Louis is hilarious when he's drunk."

Harry was quick to judge Zayn, he actually sounds lovely, however what if he won't like Harry?

Would Louis change his mind about him as well?

Harry took a shower full of doubt about how everyone in Louis' life will hate him.

Did they even know that he will live with Louis?

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