Chapter 20

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A/N: I wanted to thank each and every single one of you who spends their precious time with reading this story. I love you guys so much. And I want you all to know that I'm here for you guys even if we've never talked before, it's never too late so if you're feeling the need to be cheered up just message me.


Happy reading loves! (◕ᴥ◕)

Louis woke up feeling absolutely roasted. He felt like he was in a fucking oven, sweat actually dripping from him.

He opened his eyes and saw that Harry was completely wrapped around him radiating the heat of a thousand suns.

Now that was a sticky situation (A/N: no pun intended) because Louis really didn't want to pull away but he was afraid that he'll get a heatstroke so he slowly started to untangle himself from Harry.

As he finally managed to do that Harry started to stir in his sleep and it seemed like he was looking for the loss of the body that was pressed to his own seconds ago.

His face held a deep frown and Louis couldn't act soon enough Harry was already up, looking as disappointed as one can get.


As Harry felt a sudden coldness, the feeling of being alone took over him. He wasn't quite asleep anymore but wasn't awake either.

He was looking for Louis' body with his eyes still closed only his hands searching for the lost contact.

Unfortunately he had to realize that it wasn't there anymore and Harry felt bad that Louis left him at some point through the night.

Maybe Harry's an annoying sleeper or he snores or Louis just realized that sleeping with Harry does make him uncomfortable or...

„Hallo? Little one do you hear me?" Louis was waving a hand in front of Harry snapping him back to reality.

It was probably the fact that Harry was still half asleep or at least it's easier to believe that but Harry only comprehended that Louis didn't leave him so his actions were really not something that he had control over right now.

Harry wrapped Louis up in a hug, burying his face to Louis' neck, mumbling quietly to Louis causing him to giggle cutely and squirm in Harry's arm because it tickled.

„You're still here. I thought you left me too."

Louis immediately stopped moving and breathing for what it's worth and understood right off just how affected Harry's being with the fact that he's left alone.

Louis gently pulled back, gripping Harry's face and forcing him to lock eyes with his own.

„No baba, I just woke up and I didn't wanna wake you since I figured that you could use some rest, but it was so warm Haz, you're like a fucking space heater."

Harry immediately blushed a lovely shade of pink and tried to avert his gaze to cover it but Louis' hands weren't allowing that.

Harry also realized that Louis is probably right since he felt just how warm Louis' skin felt on his face.

„I'm sorry."

„Don't be love." Louis kissed Harry's forehead making his head spin with the affection.

„Well if we're both up why not have some breakfast yeah?"

As the words left Louis' mouth Cliff jumped off the bed and barked happily, almost like he understood what Louis was saying.

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