Chapter 13

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The next morning rolled around and when Louis' alarm awoke him he couldn't even be bothered.

He woke up with a huge smile on his face and to be fair he wasn't really tired even though he barely slept a few hours.

He skipped downstairs and made some toasts. His phone startled him from his thoughts so he answered it with the happiest tone that he ever managed.

„Good Morning!" His good mood was radiating through the phone, his facade was really not faltering by anything he was sure of that.

„Hi mate. Why so cheerful?" Niall's thick Irish accent came through Louis' phone.

„I made a great development in one of the cases. Why did you call?"

„Oh yeah, could you give me a ride today to work?"

„Sure I'll be there in 10 minutes." Louis declined the call and put his dish into the sink while hopping back upstairs.

He quickly got dressed in dark blue jeans and a white button up. He fetched all of his belongings and made his way out towards his car. He started it and drove to pick up Niall.

When Louis reached his house, Niall was already outside so he barely parked down while his blonde friend hopped in.

„So which case are we talking about?"

„It's confidential Ni, you know this."

„Can't blame me for trying." Niall sent a smile his way then they carried on talking about random stuff.

When Louis finally parked his car and they got out, he also mentioned that Amrita is coming today, which sparked Niall's interest.

„How so?"

„I asked her to represent Harry for me."

„Uhhh, Why? The kid doesn't deserve that, let alone someone as good as Amrita."

They were already on the halls of the prison and the inmates were yelling mostly at Louis that he's finally back.

„What the hell Niall. You don't even know what have happened. You know nothing and I can't tell yet but you're going to regret your attitude so I'm advising you to just stop now." By the end Louis was shouting at him, which was really out of character for him.

The prison became silent though, everyone was quietly listening to the conversation between the friends.

It was boring being locked up 24/7. They liked when something happened and a good fight between the workers was always appreciated.

It kept the inmates entertained, however it didn't happen very often so every prisoner waited silently for the argument to unfold.

Louis was fuming and didn't even register that Niall wasn't going into the resting room but following him.

He couldn't really believe that his good mood somehow was ruined and even though he locked eyes with the cutest human being ever he couldn't master a real smile.

He just gave Harry a half-hearted fake smile that he was sure Harry knew wasn't real.

Niall, however, wasn't about to let this go either.

„Tell me this then Lou, were you never afraid to lose someone? Someone who you truly loved. Huh? Wouldn't you hate that to happen and the person who made it happen?" Niall was screaming as much as Louis did just a few seconds ago.

„Of course I have. There was this one time me and Lottie were going to New York to a field trip. We were at the airport and in the crowd she let go of my hand. I was so worried Ni. She had my passport and money. It's still very traumatising so please can we not talk about this. I'm not strong enough."

I believe you -L.S. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now