Chapter 6

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A/N: Another completely random picture that has nothing to do with the story or any of the chapters?

Yeah it is.ヾ(*ヮ⌒*)ゞ

This is how you know it's my fanfic. It makes no sense.

Anyhow, happy reading.

Harry woke up incredibly cheerful. He didn't have a bad dream. It was only about Louis and the book he read.

His plan that he made last night of how he would find out who are the people on the drawing was failing on him though because he wasn't sure how to get the book.

He could ask to come back here before being taken to Louis from work but he doesn't talk. Usually that doesn't bother Harry but sometimes it's really annoying.

The guards were finished checking the cells so the inmates could go back to get ready for work. Today they were told to grab some sort of fabric that can be ruined since they'll work with spray paint and they shouldn't inhale that.

So Harry grabbed one of the simple grey shirts that they get when coming here so they can layer under the blue button up that all inmates required to wear, when it's cold.

He was basically happy for the first time since that night happened and it felt ridiculous cause all Louis did was being caring towards Harry, which is also sad if Harry thinks about it as he should have that. He should have people who care about him.

They reached the basement and Harry kept up his work, he was actually the most useful one.

With other words he was the only one who really worked didn't just pretend to. He was deep in thought on how he should thank Louis the books and everything.

Until he was snapped out of his thoughts by none other, than Niall.

Well Harry didn't really mind, it didn't ruin his mood, he was still glad, he's basically grown to love Niall just because he's the one who usually takes him to Louis.

As they were walking Harry thought this over again. He knows how to thank Louis. It was quite simple.

He had a great plan and it made him feel like a genius. He was going to say it.

See it's the perfect plan. He knew that Louis will appreciate it even though it's nothing for any other human being, it is everything for Harry. And Louis knows that since Harry hasn't said a word since the incident.


Louis woke up earlier than usual but he was still running late. He quickly got into his car and thought over everything again.

He had to stop himself, after last night he realized that he can't keep this up. Today he's going to act towards Harry like he always does around all the other prisoners he has to stop being nicer to Harry, being so unprofessional.

He arrived and took a deep breath before exiting his car.

Oh how this kid is going to be the death of him.


Harry and Niall reached the door. Harry loved that door so much, which is kind of weird. He realized as Niall knocked and he was escorted in, that he forgot the book.

It's okay he really wanted to know but tomorrow he will or he could just ask after all he was going to talk. He smiled at Louis like always but it quickly turned into a frown, because Louis didn't smile back.

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