Chapter 10

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Today Louis went to work with Zayn, who offered a ride to him since his car broke down and it was taken to be fixed. He still only had sessions with Harry anyways.

As soon as he was there he made his way to the resting room and was greeted by Liam and Niall. They drank a cup of tea together while talking.

„So would you wanna come with?" Niall asked Louis after he and Liam have agreed that they're heading out tonight.

„I can't Lou is gonna come here when I'm done and leave Lux with me for the night since they are having a celebration."

Louis knows that Lou would be here soon so he grabbed the cell key since the prisoners were still inside and made his way towards Harry.


Harry woke up, his stomach still uneasy but feeling a lot better.

He was just generally sad since he completely convinced himself that Louis hates him now. Why wouldn't he?

There's really not much to like. He was damaged and just a freak in everyone's eyes how could Louis see anything in him?

He was snapped out of his thought by none other than Louis himself.

„Good morning love. Had a good night? Feeling better?" Louis was as cheerful as ever and Harry couldn't hide the relief that made its way through his entire body.

„Yeah you?" Harry didn't bother with the details of him barely getting any sleep cause he thought that Louis would ignore him again.

„Oh I'm great love. Soo..." They made their way into Louis' office and Louis was about to start the session but stopped and just stared at Harry.

Harry obviously figured that he was supposed to talk about the case, however, he couldn't possibly know that that's not why Louis stopped he just simply got lost in Harry's beauty.

Somehow Harry looked even better, he was getting prettier day by day in Louis' eyes but as he was intently taking in every single thing in Harry's breathtaking body and face he came to realize that his angel was having dark circles and he immediately got this uneasy feeling.

Harry opened his mouth to start talking about that stupid night that ruined his life.

He really didn't want to but he wanted Louis to be happy, however, Louis beat him and blurted out his thoughts before Harry had the chance to say a word.

„Are you sure you slept well? You look tired?"

Harry blushed because Louis really wasn't just looking at him he was actually seeing him.

Usually people just stare at Harry but wouldn't even try to see anything about him, everyone always just assumes things.

„I couldn't really sleep because I was worried that you hate me cause you left after Niall said something." Harry got it out barely audible and blushing even deeper for admitting it to Louis.

„Oh no love there's nothing that would make me hate you. I just left cause I couldn't be there. I can't disturbed the work of the guards. Also I know that Niall hasn't warmed up to you just yet but give him some time."

Harry smiled at Louis even though he was sure that Louis didn't mean what he said.

Sooner or later Louis would hate Harry.

Everyone does.

„Why does he hate me so much?"

„I wouldn't use the word hate, he maybe dislikes you for now."

I believe you -L.S. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now