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A/N: I love this manip and the fact that Niall is just chillin' in the background.

Happy reading my loves!

„Mr. Green, please stop interrupting my class and pay attention." Harry scolded one of his students.

Seniors were hard to discipline, but Harry specially loved this class of his. He had grown rather fond of most of his students in this class.

Harry was teaching in a high school at London, he's a Chemistry and Biology teacher.

Right now he was having his last chem class for the day and after this, school was out since it's the start of Christmas break.

The class only had 5 minutes left and the pupils had this as their last lesson as well so Harry figured that he should go easy on them.

„On a second thought, I think we're finished for today. Don't forget to do your assignments on the Stoichiometric Relationships."

The class gave a huge smile but it disappeared from the second part. Harry smiled at them nonetheless.

„And don't forget to have a nice break kids, bye."

As the last student was leaving Harry's phone started to ring. Harry took a look only to see Jennet calling.


„Hi darling, how's everything going? We haven't talked in so long."

Harry smiled slightly after hearing her and filled her in on how everything is going in his life right now, and what have they planned for the break.

See after Harry just graduated and got his degree he wasn't hired for one and a half month because of his past.

However everything took a turn when the police got stuck again on the case so they released the footage of the murder to have the people's help, giving out a warrant.

Now everyone's hate and disgust turned into pity. To Harry that wasn't really better but he finally managed to get a job as a teacher and could do what he truly loved to.

Probably not even two weeks later Harry got a call from his parents. They apologised for everything, like not believing Harry.

He simply declined the call though, not wanting to even hear from them.

But as more time passed Harry realized that he was being ridiculous.

He slowly forgave everyone from his family and now all was alright. Of course it wasn't anything like how it used to be.

Harry and his 'family' acted like acquaintance, they were nice to each other and his birth mother, Jennet, called every now and then but they never actually meet up or had serious conversation.

Harry's family grew to accept that Harry didn't think of them like that anymore. If he needs something he goes straight to Dan or Jay.

They more like his parents than his blood related ones after all.

Obviously most of Harry's family understands but there are relatives who hate him for turning his back on his own family.

The curly-haired lad couldn't help but laugh at the irony in that.

It took the longest for Harry to forgive his parents, but after much calling and pestering, he was willing to acknowledge them but not anything more, then when Louis and Harry have gotten married in September 28th, three years ago, Louis managed to convince Harry to invite them as well.

I believe you -L.S. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now