Chapter 7

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A/N: OMG I'm freaking out. I actually think that this lovely drawing goes well with this chapter.

Today's lesson: we achieve something everyday. So don't give up my loves.(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑

I should be a motivational speaker.

It started off as any normal day. Louis woke up to his annoying alarm tone that he still hasn't changed, he went to his wardrobe picked out his outfit and headed to take a shower.

He got out after 15 minutes and quickly brushed his teeth and dressed himself. He wore his usual black skinnies like every day, not the same one though, and he chose a light mint green button up to go with it.

He fixed himself some breakfast and fed Cliff before slipping on his Vans and locking up.

He finally reached the prison and parked his car, after getting inside he made his way towards his office, making sure to take his time and greet everyone properly.

He made a tiny conversation with one of the guards, Steve, who also just got here then he went ahead and continued down the halls until he reached his favourite part of his mornings and the building itself the last cell before his office.


Harry was ecstatic this morning. Once again he didn't have a bad dream and yet another time he dreamt with Louis and it couldn't have been any better.

They were at a concert, The Script to be specific and they became friends but at the end Louis kissed him and that was the best thing he could ever imagine.

Louis just started to lean in and...

„Get ready we're going to work on the yard from today."The voice of a guard boomed in Harry's ears resulting his daydreaming being cut off abruptly so he headed back from the line that they always stood in, at the mornings and got ready to leave.

While Harry decided to change his shirt to a short sleeved one as it was hot outside, he saw movement next to him so he looked up.


As always Louis was walking without any care, not giving his attention to anyone until he reached the last cell.

What he wasn't prepared for is to see Harry changing and damn the boy looked good.

Harry looked up when he realized someone was there and immediately started to grin. Louis smiled back, chuckling lowly at his enthusiasm.

„Good morning love. Had a great night?" He stopped completely to have a proper greeting.

Harry just smiled wider and nodded then looked back at Louis. Which made Louis assume that he's asking the same so he smiled and nodded as well.

Harry loved this man so much. He didn't pressure Harry into anything and he just accepted that he doesn't talk at all. Louis said goodbye till their session and headed off to his office.

All the inmates had to get into their usual line to be escorted to work by guards. However things turned out different and Harry didn't really know what was happening.

Everything happened so quickly, Harry barely could comprehend what was going on.

One minute everyone stands in the line obediently, and the next some inmates started to run and fought with the guards and each other.

I believe you -L.S. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now