Chapter 4

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A/N: I want to include a WARNING here that in this chapter I'm going to mildly describe a panic attack. I don't think it's very triggering but if you are easily triggered with that stuff please don't read and if you want to talk PM me.

Well also look at that an A/N that has a purpose?! That's something new.(☉。☉)

Okay let's get started hope you will enjoy this chapter.

Love you bubbies

Louis hopped out of his car and was running into the prison. He saw Olly who came to get him.

They were rushing along the corridors together, while Olly started to fill Louis in.

He didn't have the time to wonder on why the hell Olly felt the need to come before him. It's probably way too late for him to understand his intentions anyways.

"They were all just showering and out of nowhere Styles collapsed and started to have this really bad panic attack that is still happening. We tried to cool him down but he didn't react to anything that we have attempted."

They finally reached Harry's cell. He was on the bed his knees pulled up to his chest, rocking back and forth.

He wasn't wearing a thing, which made sense since he was showering, he only had a towel wrapped around his lower region.

The curly-haired lad was yelling things like 'get away from me', 'don't hurt them'.

As he was begging for someone to stop what they're doing, Louis realized that this was actually the first time he heard Harry speak.

Well obviously he didn't really have time to ponder on that.


Harry couldn't handle this, he didn't feel anything, and he couldn't breathe. He's never had it this bad.

Usually the attack came, left him panting for a few minutes then it was gone like it's never even happened. But this time it felt like it would never go away.

Like it was a shadow over Harry, that won't ever let him breathe again. This time the passing minutes didn't help, it only got worse.

Harry wasn't sure if it will ever stop and that just made it even more terrifying.

Then something changed Harry started to hear someone. Not a bad voice like until now, it was pleasant and Harry wanted more.

He was finally able to somewhat focus on the voice but he couldn't decided if he knew the person or not.

He couldn't tell who it was but his breathing slowed down a tiny bit and he's already felt better.

After a few minutes of him listening to the calming voice he was able to understand the situation.

Someone was talking to him and they were trying to reassure him. The voice kept saying nice things that Harry longed to hear.

The person said that they were here for Harry and somehow Harry believed the voice, he started to feel like he's not alone.

His senses started to come back as he was slipping back to reality and finally he could pay attention.

He was able to feel someone's embrace. It made his skin tingle where someone was touching him. He absolutely loved it.

He realized that it was Louis.

His doctor was the one talking and hugging him, while playing with Harry's still wet curls.

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