Chapter 8

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Louis woke up to his face being licked all over. He gently pushed his puppy off and looked at the time.

It was 6:30 AM so he just unplugged his phone from the charger and went to take a shower. He decided that if Cliff already woke him then why not take him out for a walk.

They walked around in the forest for a little until it was time to head back because Louis meant what he said yesterday he wanted to go in and talk to Harry.

He also figured that Harry would want to talk to him as well and he wouldn't want to risk Harry closing him out when he's making so much progress.

He took off for work incredibly hopeful but dreaded it all at the same time cause he didn't want to face anyone else inside the prison.

Especially since he knew that none of his best mates will be in, but Niall.


Harry was awakened by yelling.

„Get up and in the line NOW." Well the lock down definitely had its effects.

Louis wasn't even in and Harry started to worry if he goes to work now then he won't be able to see him till their session.

After the check up was done the guard yelled yet again.

„Okay get your asses done in 2 minutes and be out in the line again. You're working on the yard."

Harry sighed but went inside and quickly changed.

His eyes widened as soon as he's seen the guards cuffing the inmates. This was something new and Harry didn't understand.

Are they doing it because of yesterday? After Harry was cuffed as well, not as tight as the others though. They made their ways out.

Harry noticed that the guards' behaviour towards him has changed. Today and yesterday during the showers the guards let him be and have been nice to him meanwhile they were strict to everyone else.

They had to do gardening and a lot of it. The prisoners started to grunt to show their dislike but none of the guards cared. Harry just picked up a shovel unlike others and started to work.

Maybe 15 minutes have passed when Harry looked up to the gates getting opened. He saw Louis making his way through the yard in the other side of the fence towards the entrance.

Harry smiled at him but Louis didn't even look their way, probably not even noticing the inmates working outside.


Louis was walking inside quite quickly, thinking how to approach the case with Harry. He needed the kid to talk as Louis wanted to help but he couldn't if he didn't even know what have happened that night.

He finally reached the last cell. He was really surprised that no one said a word to him, usually the inmates always say things to him that he has to ignore.

He looked up to say hi to Harry already smiling but it quickly turned into a frown as Harry wasn't there. Louis quickly looked around and saw that every cell was empty so he realized that they must be already at work.

He went to his office to put down his stuff then immediately headed back towards the resting room. He needed a guard.

When he got in he saw Niall drinking a cup of tea. He smiled at his best mate and hugged him.

„How are you doing mate?"

„I'm okay but I need you." Louis didn't wait for an answer just pulled Niall out of the room with his mug still in his hands.

I believe you -L.S. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now