Chapter 16

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Harry felt huge relief washing over him in waves as they got further and further away from the people and the court itself.

Louis was driving him to the police station and Amrita was coming as well. The last time Harry was there everyone was trying to make him confess his crime.

Honestly Harry's intention wasn't to become mute, when he was taken he was just in shock.

He didn't know what was happening and his entire world was turning upside down as he just saw those men and woman die.

Harry didn't really even register anything that he was asked or told, but him being silent since the murder was a lie that the media and everyone believed. He did talk to a policeman.


They were trying to question him but he wasn't paying attention, in all honesty he just wanted his mother.

So he asked where his parents are.

The man was taken aback but said that he will go and see.

When he came back he told that they aren't here and after one call they keep declining their attempts.

Obviously Harry asked what they said in that one call.

When the man told that they want no part in this and that monster is not their son was being said by his own parents, was the time when Harry didn't see the point anymore and that's when he shut up for good.

He believes that the officer never even told that they had a conversation since he probably believed that it was his fault that Harry refused to cooperate since he was the last one who he talked to.


This time will be different though, Harry's not alone anymore.

Now that his parents know that he was let free, because Harry was sure that everyone already knew that, will they try to reach out to him, will they still believe that he's guilty?

Harry was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realize when they got there, he just felt a gentle touch on his shoulder, slipping his mind back to reality.

„Are you ready to go in love?"


So with that Louis opened his door and climbed out of the car. It just downed on Harry that he hasn't even appreciated Louis today, at least not his looks.

Louis looked rather dashing in his dress pants that were way tighter on his bum than it should be allowed.

His button down was a simple, white one just like Harry's and he wasn't wearing a tie but what he did wear made Harry choke on his own spit.

Louis had on suspenders.


Okay Harry didn't know how he wasn't aware of this so far but now he was and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

How was something so hot?

Like Harry was sure that suspenders aren't sexy. How did Louis manage to pull them off?!

Harry was so lost in his observation about Louis' attire that he forgot to get out of the car.

Unlike Harry, Louis was still worried, and the fact that Harry seemed to zone out for minutes like right now, wasn't helping.

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