Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi, I just wanted to ease y'all into this story with this gem:

How do you get a latte in the rain forest? Use your Amazon card.

That's it. Please carry on, I have noting left to say to you. (I am truly disappointed if you didn't read that in Harry's voice.)

Anyhow, happy reading bubbies.

'Hey, yo, Jason, Say somethin' to her, Holla at her, I got one question. How do you fit all that, in them jeans?' -started to play Louis' phone.

He groaned and turned around in his bed while wondering why on earth is this his alarm but he couldn't figure it out.

However like always he was way too lazy to change it so he knew that he'll be surprised by himself tomorrow just as much as today.

He finally got up, unplugged his phone and went ahead to make something to eat.

He got out a can putting it down in a bowl for his dog, Clifford, who wasn't up just yet. He fed himself some cereal and headed to take a shower.

He quickly washed down his body and hair, and after he was finished he brushed his teeth as well, while letting himself dry fully.

He went back to his room to find something to wear opening his wardrobe the short lad just stared into it deep in thought when his phone started to obnoxiously go off.

He answered the call without looking at the caller ID and he wasn't surprised to hear one of his best mates, Zayn.

Zayn was a tattoo artist and he always managed to get into some sort of trouble. So Louis was never shocked in cases like this one since it was 6 AM and who in their right mind would be up at 6 AM?!

"Louehh I'm in great shit, come and help me!!" he wasn't startled by his friend's hysteria, only picking out items from his closet.

"Where are you Zee?" He ended up pulling out some black skinny jeans and a same coloured button up.

The blue-eyed man wasn't very fond of these clothes but he couldn't wear his graphic tees to work. He was a psychologist after all.

"I'm in front of my shop, Loueeh hurry the fuck up!" Zayn exclaimed so Louis ended the call.

He closed off everything, grabbed his phone, wallet, cards and a file on one of the cases that he took home, to work some more on it. Then he was out of his house.

He lived outside of the city in a forested area that he couldn't possibly love any more.

He was at Zayn's shop in 10 minutes. When he pulled over he immediately saw his best mate talking to someone, probably a costumer. He was quick to make his way over to the pair.

"Loueeh fucking finally do you have my keys? I locked myself out" He hurried out and stared at Louis expecting him to have them.

Truth be told he really hoped that Louis would have them cause he had no other guess where they could be. He was quite shocked when this morning he came to work and they weren't in his bag.

"Good morning to you too! I'm having a lovely day so far thank you Zee how 'bout you?" Louis didn't wait for an answer simply walked back to his car for the keys that he fetched from Zayn yesterday after he's gotten piss drunk.

This whole detour made him late so he hurried to get in as soon as possible.

He already saw the big gates of the prison he worked at. The lad quickened his pace while trying to get his card out, not fully managing to multitask.

I believe you -L.S. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now