Chapter 22

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A/N: Well hello there my beautiful readers and welcome back. I want to give y'all the heads up that this chapter includes smut. When you guys will see these little bumholes: (☞゚)○○○○○○○○○○, you'll know that it's about to get Larry hot.


Enjoy the chapter!

The next week ran by really fast. Louis and Harry were extremely busy. Not really having time to do much.

Harry started up collage on Monday, so far he hasn't had any encounters with anyone. He just went in, sat at the back then disappeared as quickly as he came.

No one even talked to him just yet. On his days off, he went in to the bakery for work.

Louis' week was kind of the same he went to work like always.

He did stay home for a significant amount of time lately, also he'd been pretty occupied with Harry's case, so he had a lot of papering to do when he got back.

He had to make different opinions on cases and they also got a new inmate. Without Harry there though, he not once stayed over his working hour.

Throughout these past weeks he never actually noticed how much he overworked.

He was back at leaving exactly when the clock strikes 4 PM. While Harry was in prison he always waited till the showers and what not, it was nice to be home so soon again.

As for there relationship, it was absolutely unnatural.

Since Louis asked Harry to be his boyfriend they basically acted like a married couple.

They completely skipped all the dating phase of their relationship.

Although they can't really be blamed for that since they do know each other and it's hard to act like you're a fresh couple when you're already living together.

With that being said neither of them actually thought that it's weird. They had a connection to begin with and through this last month they got to know each other pretty damn well.

So you could consider their time together at the prison the dating part of their relationship.


Harry and Louis woke up on Friday to Louis' alarm like always. Louis got Harry out of the bed with the promise of a kiss every single day now, and Harry not once said no to that.

So today started off like normal for the two. After their usual morning routine Harry got into Louis' car since on Fridays he has collage but fortunately only has one lesson.

He arrived to his collage and walked through the halls at a high speed to avoid everyone however a booming voice caused him to halt.

„Mr. Styles could you come here for a second?"

One of Harry's professor was calling his name. Obviously resulting unwanted attention on Harry.

Harry always hated Ms. Jones anyways.

She was mean to the students and always acted like she wasn't old but a pupil herself. She was honestly ridiculous.

Harry walked back to her nonetheless.

„Yes, Ms. Jones?"

„You have to empty your locker in building B, since no one actually did it for you. If you won't do it by the end of the week then our janitor will throw everything out."

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