Chapter 2

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A/N: Enjoy Harry admiring art. ()

Harry had been up basically all night long, barely getting any sleep at all. He knew that if he was to fall asleep he'd have one of his nightmares again.

It was always the same he was in front of the supermarket just walking home after doing some shopping that his mother needed...

He was shaken from his thoughts when a guard came. It wasn't the rude one but a tall, brown haired lad who had the most puppy-like eyes he has ever seen.

"I'm going to take a look around, someone will do it every day to make sure you don't have any weapons or objects that you're not supposed to own."

"Stand facing the wall both hands on it." Oh there he is, the rude one also showed up.

"Liam you should be more professional, he could have already attacked you."

Niall had very strong feelings against Styles and quite frankly Liam didn't get it, but he didn't question it, it had nothing to do with him and Styles was in fact a murderer, so probably that's the reason behind Niall's distaste for the kid.

"Everyone will have work and you are no exception but after an hour you'll be excused and taken by a guard to the psychologist and talk for 2 hours each and every single day then escorted back by once again a guard to work. Understood?"

Liam really didn't understand, he changed his mind he will definitely ask Niall about this later, he's usually so sweet and caring for everyone, even the prisoners.

Styles didn't seem fazed by Niall's rudeness though he also didn't react obviously.

Liam wondered why on earth did Styles decide to become mute he wasn't helping his case with this, however his thoughts were cut short since Niall clearly lost his temper and started yelling at the poor lad.

"I ASKED DID YOU UNDERSTAND? God you can't even nod or what this will get you nowhere, you deserve to be here, you deserve even worth, you..."

"Niall, calm down! Gezz." Liam swiftly cut him off and asked him to wait outside, he was basically finished anyways. So he left as well and closed back the door of the cell.

"Care to explain?" Liam asked Niall while they started to make their way to the next cell on the 2nd floor since Styles' was the last on this level.

"I really can't stand him. He killed 3 people why would I treat him any better?"

"I understand that but what I don't understand is why are you letting it affect you personally? This case has nothing to ..." Niall cut him off yet again.

"It has nothing to do with me." Niall finished instead of Liam mocking him with wild gestures. "Unlike you I've lost a friend because of him." He ended up shouting at Liam.

"Wait what?" Liam was actually beyond confused at this point.

"One of those 3 people he killed was Josh, my best friend since kindergarten Josh." Niall changed his tone completely and he was on the verge of tears.

Liam just hugged the boy and told him to go back to the changing room for a little, while he finishes the remaining cells.


After the guards have left Harry was yet again left alone in his cell. It must have been around 8 AM.

He was aimlessly staring out between the bars when something caught his attention. Someone, to be specific.

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