Chapter 12

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Louis was awakened by his alarm the next morning. He reminded himself that he has to go to the police station and not work right off.

Also this was his day back since he had to have all his sessions except the ones that he couldn't make in the morning hours.

While making his way to have a shower he realized that he might not be able to get back in time to Harry's session either.

Whatever he would change things up there's no way he wouldn't have his time with Harry.

He was quickly washing himself and then brushing his teeth. He put his contacts in like always and made his usual quiff.

After that he dressed in dark washed skin tight jeans and a simple light blue button up.

He fixed some breakfast for himself and Cliff then grabbed everything and was out but not before locking up entirely.

Louis got out of his car at the police station and walked in. There was a receptionist and Louis walked up to her.

„Hi. I'm Louis Tomlinson and I'm here for my footage."

„Good morning, yes. I have it written right here. Can I see your ID card?"

Louis handed it over and waited patiently till the lady typed his dates and saved everything on the system.

Until she handed back his card he just stood there. A few layers and officers saying hi since he knew most of them.

„Okay an officer will find you the footage of the day and save it on a flash drive. If you are going to use it as evidence then you will be handed the original but in that case I will need you to come back and do the further paperwork."

„Yes I know. Thank you."

„You can sit down while the recording is being transferred."

„Thank you" Louis made his way to the chairs and took a seat.

The girl must be new. Everyone knows Louis here and they would know that it's not needed to explain things to him and also he never saw her here before.

Louis heard that someone was shouting at the officers and it somehow was quite familiar but he couldn't put a finger on it.

He didn't look up or paid special attention to it though. Until someone stopped before him.

„Hi there mate. It was time that you show your face. It's been way too long."

Louis stood up already grinning. Dan was there with a few other officers and someone cuffed behind them.

„Hey Danny. How are you doin'?" Louis quickly hugged him while one of the other men went to the woman at the desk probably to check the person in.

That's when Louis looked up only to see the very intimidating man from yesterday.

Louis saw the pure shock taking over the man's features. Probably cause he realized that Louis didn't lie yesterday. And fuck Dan was talking to him all this time.

Louis hummed in acknowledgement, nodding slightly, hoping it wasn't something he should answer to.

„...That's about it. How 'bout you? What brought you here?"

„I'm here for some security tapes. I'm trying to find lead in a murder case."

Louis saw the man from yesterday was completely stunned and he was actually about to say something but was not given the chance since a voice rang through the hall.

I believe you -L.S. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now