Unloved the Story of My Life

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Story Notes:

Disclaimer I don't own Twilight or the characters they belong to S Meyers


I'm sitting here reflecting on my life and I must say it was good enough for me. Until I moved to Forks and met Edward Anthony Cullen.

I thought we was in love but the night of my birthday party proved me wrong a fucking paper cut one tiny little ass cut on my finger resulted in the love of my life leaving me. Do I blame Jasper? NO I don't and never will. How could I he is a empath and feeling blood lust magnified by seven and it didn't help that I was Edwards singer.

He left me in the fucking woods begging and pleading for him not to do this not to leave me alone. It fell on deaf ears. He told me I wasn't good enough for him, and I was a distraction and I would forget about him and my memories will fade away over time. How could I forget my first love, my first boyfriend, my first vampire boyfriend? I couldn't not as long as I live. The questions that I have in my mind was has me wondering if I meant anything to him. Was I just some play toy for him? Some pet? Did he ever love me? I answered my own questions the reason why he didn't change me was because he didn't love me, and didn't want to stay spend eternity with me so fuck him to I'm good.

Those questions went through my mind for months while I sat in my room ignoring every body family and friends. I was only focused on the family that left me the Cullens.

Its been six months since assward, fuckward, and dickward my favorite bitchward the list goes on and on will since he left I'm better not whole but better. I used to get offended when Jake and the pack. called him names but now I just laugh and call him the same.

I am now a adrenaline junkie. The rush makes me feel alive a free after being being a zombie for half a year. Plus I see fuckward when I get reckless reckless I now it's in my mind but it seems real to me. He made me promise to be safe, but he broke his promise to me also don't make promises that you don't plan on keeping.

Today I decided it's time to get him out my system for good I going cliff diving. I was supposed to wait on Jake, but I can't wait so i jump the cold water of the ocean hit my system like a jolt what the hell was I thinking I don't like the cold and this was freezing hypothermia here I come. As I open my eyes and I see nothing but red coming to me. All I think is oh shit bitch Victoria and that red haired bitch Victoria and she's going to kill me. As I tried to get away I hit my head and then there was darkness. Peace finally no whole in my chest no more nightmares after nightmares. I hear Jake telling me breathe.

As we pull up to my house Jake gets stiff and grip the steering wheel hard I ask him wants wrong and all his response was fucking blood suckers. I look out the window and around all I see is a black Mercedes. Carlisle's car parked across the street. Jake tells me to wait in the car because it might be a trap. I open the door and take off running towards the maybe they all came back to me, for me I thought. As I open the door I bump into a very shocked and surprised Alice. She looks at me like she saw a ghost and asks what am I doing here, and what is that awful smell. I told her I live here, and I don't know what she smells. She told me that she had a vision and she saw me jump off a cliff

"why would you try to attempt suicide" she asked.

"I did no such thing I went cliff diving, and when I jumped I saw Victoria I bumped my head trying to get away from here and got knocked out Jake pulled me out the water." I explained

At that time Jake walked into the house and said " I had to make sure you was alright" he looked over to Alice and rolled his eyes."Why are all of you leeches back after you left her bruised and broken and with the red head after her?" he asked.

Alice just looked at him and back to me and said" Bella don't you werewolves aren't good company to keep, and to answer your question mutt nobody is back but me I came to comfort Charlie because I had a vision that Bella jumped a cliff and it went black so I figured Bella committed suicide, but I see that's not case I can't see passed you and your pack of mutts." Alice retaliated back.

The phone was ringing and Jake went to answer it. Alice eyes glossed over and she gasped at the same time Jake walked backed in mumbling under his breath something about leeches and filthy bloodsuckers.

Alice looked at me and said "We have to go now Edward went to the Volturi to ask for death."

"Why would he do that what happened" I asked

"He thinks you are dead he called here, and that fucking mutt of yours told him Charlie was at the funeral home." Alice said glaring at Jake.

"Why in the world would you do that? Why you didn't tell me he was on the phone? why didn't you give me the damn phone?" I yelled at Jake

"You are better off without him need I remind you how you were when they left and technically I didn't lie Charlie is at the funeral with Sue because Harry died of a heart attack earlier today" he grinned looking triumphant. I could do anything but look at him with an open mouth and ask Alice when do we leave.

As I walk to the car Jake takes this as a chance to profess his undying love to me as I think about it do I love Jacob? YES I do, but only like a brother. I close the door and look at Alice and say "lets go".

So now I'm sitting on a plane rethinking over the last half of a year. I came to Realize that I don't love fuckward anymore. So why am I going to try to save him I have no fucking clue. I had to laugh at myself on that one. I really don't care if he kills his self or not he left me.

As I running through Volterra I have no clue where I'm going I really hope that I don't make it in time fuck him. I make it to the clock tower just in in time.I run up to him and tell him to move. Lucky he cant read my mind because I'm cursing my self for making it. Just then some people come and speak they are wearing black and gray cloaks a nice contrast from the red ones everybody is wearing in the streets. I hear assward and the other vamps talking I not paying them no mind because frankly I don't don't give two shits of a fuck what they talking about, at least I didn't until the one built like Emmett said the girl comes with us. Well fuck me.

I'm standing in the throne room looking at these so called Kings as they like to call themselves sitting on their throne looking hi and mighty the one on the left looks bored that must be Marcus the one in the middle looks like a child happy like a fat kids in a cake shop Aro and the one right if looks could kill I would be dead. He is beautiful I want him the things that flash through my mind aren't appropriate at a time like this I wonder if I will make it out alive.


Sorry I don't have a beta just bare with me thanks for reading.

This is my first go at writing please This is my first attempt at writing a Fanfic. I just love the stories that pair Caius with Bella.

I don't own anything Twilight not the characters, I just like to play with them.

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