Chapter 4

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I am a fucking king. How in the world did I get stuck babysitting the pathetic waste of space. I'm suppose to take her to library, I have to carry her because the little bitch can't keep up. As I go to lift her up I feel a current run through through me and straight to my cock, I hoe she doesn't feel it as I carry her. I heard a gush from inside her, then I smell her arousal. I told her to memorize her way back, because I had better things to do than take her to the library back and forth everyday.

As I sat her down she looked around for a moment taking in all the books that we had available, we collected over the years, having all the time in the world we get bored and need something to occupy our time with the books been read over and over again. She surprised me by picking Romeo and Juliet and Wuthering Heights that one is one of my favorites. I am actually intrigued at her choices, because girls her age doesn't read those books.

As I picked her up and carried her back to the room I sat her down and was hit by another round of her arousal, this time I inhaled deeply, and smirked. Virgin I thought to myself I turned around and left out the room thinking No King dick for you. I go to the throne room just in time for Heidi to arrive with lunch. After I fed Aro suggested I take Isabella to the kitchen for some lunch. I must admit she smelled good like strawberries, and freesias.

As I arrived to the room I heard low moans. I wondered who was in the room and who could have bedded her in the hour I was gone. I slowly opened the door to find her in the bed by herself. She was coming to end of her getting off. My cock hardened after I had say my name when she was cumming. I saw her movements still and I was aware that she sensed me. I left out room as quietly as I entered. I am glad I wore black today because I leaked like a fucking teenager.

I needed to fuck vampires lives on two things feeding, and fucking as I looked around the castle, trying to find me a quick fuck I saw Corin. Perfect she likes it hard and ruff. I get her attention she already knows where to go. We played this game for years now. As we entered the tower I pushed her against the wall bunched up her dress, and ripped off the one thing that was standing in the way of what I needed. I lined my cock up with her entrance and pushed inside her, in that one thrust I was fully enclosed in her. I didn't wait for her to adjust I started pounding in and out of her. I need for her to get wet, I moved one of hands down to her lips parted them with my fingers and rubbed her clit in slow circles.She got wet and wetter, until her juices started running down my thighs. I pulled my fingers back and up them up to my mouth and sucked. I felt the coil in my stomach and my nuts tightened I was close. I pulled out Corin, and pushed her knees and told her to suck. I came with shout it felt good good to relive some the pressure that been building up today being around that girl. My nut is a gift and it is a privilege for me to spill my seed inside a woman.

I had a daughter before I was turned I never got to her grow up, or have a family of her own, never got to fulfill my duties that was titled for me as a father. I hurt my heart because I never could go back or check on her. even though vampires can't reproduce I still never spill my seed inside, because very couple of centuries when hear about a vampire child. At the way fate been handing my ass to me it would be my luck if one of these conquests end up carrying my offspring. I was brought out of my thoughts when Alec approached me ans said

"Master Caius sorry for interrupting you but Master Aro said Isabella would like to see the gardens if you don't want to do it I would like the chance to bring her here and get to know her" Alec offered

" Yes you can but don't let her harm herself or be harmed it that happens you will be turned to ash." I replied walking away.

What is wrong with me at first I wanted her dead, then I wanted to protect her, Hated her, wanted to fuck her I need some one to talk to. I'm becoming bipolar. I would take to Aro but he would make light of things. Marcus is the better choice. I find him exactly where I knew he would be his study. I opened the door and walked in, I don't need to knock and wait for him to respond, he isn't doing anything but sitting there being bored. I sit down.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit. Are you ready to accept fate, or are still fighting is you can;t bet fate Caius no matter how hard you try" Marcus said looking at me.

"I don't want a mate never wanted one, I didn't want a wife either but you and Aro insisted and look what happened to that. How am I sure that won't happen again she won't leave me for another maybe the Cullen boy?" I said. Marcus chuckled looking at me

"You don't know a thing about mates do you? They will never you They can't leave for it will cause them pain. If mates could move on don't you think I would of round somebody else after all these years that Didyme died. Do you think she would want me like this miserable." He asked

"I just thought you choose not to move on, are you sure you read the bonds right?" I replied

"Yes quit sure I read them right I keep looking over and over at the lines, you need accept that and get to know her, we all do she is perfect for all us trust me" he said

"Trust you the last time I trusted you I needed up with the she bitch from hell" I said getting up walking out.

I thought about what Marcus said as I walked to the gardens. I heard laughter and started walking towards the sound. I saw Isa the human and Alec they laughing about something I felt an emotion that I never felt before Jealously. I don't so I never been jealous of anyone or anything and I be damned if I feel it towards a guard. I was sitting in my room when I heard a door slam and crying here we go again where the fuck is my peace and quite.

I go to see what had upset and she threw a fucking lamp at me and told to get out. I felt the rage as I grabbed her by squeezing it cutting off her airway.

"I say this again it would be wise to learn your place and learn to respect me little bitch. Next time I will not hesitate to kill you" I growled at her before I threw her on the bed grasping for air, tears striking her face, I see bruises forming. I smirk st least the whore is where is wearing my mark. I walk off our the room and to my studio.

Why do I feel a pain in my chest from treating her like that?


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