Chapter 13

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I laid there watching Isabella sleep she looked peaceful. I heard someone approach the room. Alec relayed to me that I was wanted in the throne room I don't want to leave her alone but my presence was requested. I showered and got dressed. I greeted my brothers and took my seat. Aro didn't look like his usual self. I wonder what is wrong. He looked at me and sight "When will Isabella be changed. What happened here last night was unacceptable. They brought a human and a werewolf on these premises without approval or advanced warning. I could of had the both of them killed, butwith that being her father, and she being your mate I decided against it." I looked over at Marcus "You know you let your friend get away with to much and you know that as will as I do. Just because he stayed a century or two doesn't mean that he can go around breaking the law. The Cullens are your weakness and we can't afford a weakness." Marcus replied "You are right they must be stopped and soon. I will discuss this with Isabella She could be ready after all ages been here almost a month" I said The poor excuses for our kind had been getting away with to much shit and this will end soon. I left the room hopping that she was still sleep, no such luck she was gone. I smelled the faint scent of vomit. I wondered If she was still sick.

I followed her scent towards the kitchen, I found her passed out on the ground again, an unfamiliar scent hit me blood. I wonder what she was doing handling blood, I picked her up, and kissed her on the nose before I realized that her breath smelled of blood. Why would she drink blood? Something was seriously wrong with her. I need to find out and soon last time this happened she slept for almost three days. I carried her back to the room, and called the one person ergo could help her, even though I couldn't stand his family and didn't want them around her I had no choice, so I called for Carlisle. He arrived pleasant as usual. Kiss ass if I ever saw one. I looked to him them to Isabella I had no choice but to let him near her against my better judgement. Fuck I don't want to but "There is something wrong with Isabella she had been sick, and today she ingested blood,I found her laying on the ground by the kitchen can you tell me what is wrong with my mate." I asked him looking at her, just let her be okay. Carlisle walked over to the bed to look at her, he just said to me "I need to examine her thoroughly if you don't mind you can step out or stay here, if you decide to stay you need to let me do my job." He replied putting a thermometer in her mouth and a pressure cuff on her arm so far a normal routine from what I could recall from my human days "So far everything seems perfectly fine. I just want to check her lungs and heart rate." He said pulling out his stethoscope. He was listening to her lungs when he moved down further towards her stomach he listened for a moment before he let out a breath I looked at him and asked what is wrong with her. He looked at him and inhaled "Can I see you in hall or another room in private. I have an idea what is happening to her but I don't know how you are going to handle this. "I don't know an easy way to tell you this so I'm just going to ask you this you know our kind can't reproduce right. Isabella is expecting I don't know how far along she is without running further tests. I would like to stop an ultrasound on her, if I could get the right equipment. I would say congratulations, but I won't." Expecting as in pregnant. I am giving confused at this point in time. I know for a fact vampires can't have babies, if that was the case there will be a bunch of little Aros running around as will as little Felixs, Alec too, the castle would be full of kids ruining around. This is bullshit. My mate cheated, I will find out who touched what belonged to me, they will perish.

I have no idea what to do about this situation. My mate my fucking mate cheated on me. The fucked up thing is I really liked the bitch, I could of loved her, laid the fucking world at her feet, but no. All I got to say if fuck her. I went to Marcus's office "I have a problem that little human waste of space cheated on me she shared my bed. I gave her my gift and you know how I feel about my seed. We know our race doesn't reproduce, but she is expecting. That's why I didn't want a fucking mate to begin with. I'm done with this shit destroy her or send her home I really don't give a flying fuck nomore." I yelled the last part, Marcus just looked confused "Expecting as in a baby. I never heard of that before immortal children yes, vampire getting pregnant yes but that's is when a gift is used. Nobody has that gift here if they did the castle would be over run by children. Do you really want to let go of your mate. You have a decision to make to be there Isabella and her child or don't that is up to you I can't tell you what to do about this. You may have a second chance at being a father even though it won't be biologically yours." He told me. That actually made sense to me, but I will not take care of something that isn't mine. She cheated she was with another man, while mated to me. I will not be cheated on after I have up all my play toys for her. No I will not stand by a harlot. I want her out my room now.

I didn't return to room. Instead I had all my belongings removed from the room. I stayed in my study catching up on past work that I have been neglecting. From the study to the studio to the throne room that's where I spent my days. I avoided her like the the black plague. I will be glad when she finally leaves and take that bastard spawn with her.

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