Chapter 15

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I been doing a good job avoiding Isabella I haven't seen her at all. My needs were getting the best of me. I needed her.I actually missed her, will not her but her pussy should I say. I haven't been in my pary of the castle at all. I knew she was still her, but I couldn't stand to look at her carry another man's seed. I still think about my daughter allot. I do miss her. I am at a lost because I feel a part of me is missing,I need my mate, but I could without her cheating, lying ass.I have been so impacted in my work that days ran into nights. I entered the throne room to hear Aro and Marcus discussing my waste of space mate. Marcus looked at me and exhaled deeply "Caius we have a problem concerning your mate,I know how you feel about her but her life is in danger add we speak. I had a conversation with her earlier and found out that a nomad wants her dead a mate for a mate as Isabella called it. It seems that the Cullens didn't tell everything about the killings in Seattle,I happened to just put two and two together and realized that the things that are going on there is a newborn army being created they creator has no control over them, their one mission kill Isabella. Caius that is still your mate without our not you are accepting it. How are you going to handle the situation, she is thinking about just turning her self in to a woman named Victoria" He then proceeded to tell the whole story. I have to say she is a magnet for trouble. Do I care what happens to her NO I don't that wasn't my problem to take of. The new born army on the other hand is something different the risk the exposure of our kind. I decided I will volunteer for this assignment, it will get me out the castle and away from that cheating ass bitch.

The assignment on destroying the new borns didn't have a time frame so therefore I didn't know how long I would be gone. I hope when I do return she will be gone. When wet arrived in Seattle out was a massacre missing people dead bodies, I had Felix to stand watch to see if could see anything that will lead us to this woman or her new born army. When the night fell out was new borns everywhere feeding in the open. We destroyed a few, but the three more we killed the more came, I begun to wonder how many was they already, it don't take these many to kill one little human so there must be something else maybe this person was taking out the whole Cullen coven. Now that would be nice. I saw a boy standing on the roof off a building talking to a red head woman. I wondered off that was Victoria, I went around the back and went up the building, I had Jane to use her gifts on them. When I told her to stop I looked at her, I wanted answers, I started with the boy. "What is your name, do you not know the laws" I asked grabbing his neck "My name is Riley and what fucking laws are you talking about. If I was you I will let me go if you value your life you soon of bitch." He replied do he not know who I am. "I am Caius Volturi one of the three kings that govern our race, and you boy have broken the rules." He looked from me to the red headed bitch confused. I looked at her "What was your purpose for creating on army. They are exposing or kind which breaks our main law. Do you have a reason" I knew the reason I just wanted it confirmed that's all "My mate was turned to ash. The Cullen coven had a pet they was protecting all James wanted to do was play baseball, they killed him because he liked the human pet. I am trying to destroy them I want my revenge a mate for a mate, but they vanished just like the human body." She said I know she was scared because her words was everywhere. I had a job to as much as I would like to see the demise of the Cullens, I couldn't let the law go broken. I beheaded her and had Alec and Jane finish. I was with Felix when I ran across a familiar scent I know I smelled that from somewhere as I followed the scent I saw a police cruiser and Isabella father laying on the ground drained. I wondered where Was the mutt that was to be protecting him. How in the hell am I going to tell Isabella that her father was drained and killed by the army that was made to kill her. Where in the world is that mutt. This was not how I imagined this going. We proceeded to clean up the mess the was made we choose an abandoned building top put the bodies in to burn the remains. was gathering bodies from the alley when I noticed two wolves dead. I just hope that wasn't her mutt. One was Brown and the an gray and black one. I didn't know how to reach their friends or family I'm sure they will want a proper burial for them, as for Charlie I will bring his body back to Volterra with me.

I asked Jane to contact Isabella to find out how can I contact somebody about her friends. I told Jane not to give an details about the death of her father and friends just say it's important. She gave new the number to a Billy Black. I called an introduced my self and told him about the deaths. Come to find out he was the nuts father and the best friend of her father. I waited a couple of hours before some more mutts showed up top take their deceased home. I found out that she created over fifty new born vampires they was stationed all over Washington. There was no telling when I would make it back Italy.

A month is how long it took me to make it back. I had already had her father died back. I need to relieve some aggravation that had build Up and soon, but I will not be able to perform in the bedroom without my mate. I will not last down with her, she is carrying another man's child. What am I going to do. FUCK MY LIFE

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