Chapter 10

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As I laid in the bed I thought about everything that happened i was officially at a lost on what to do. I really want to go home, but that also held unpleasant memories also. As I thought about what those bitches said about me being a statistic, I don't so I rather go back home before I get drained. I wonder how many females did Cauis do that to. He gave a couple days to think, I am going to ask someone about the mate thing because I have no clue what it is or about. I went to garden to clear my head, I sat on the bench looking in the pond I bet fish don't have problems. I was brought out of my thoughts by a female voice I looked up and saw a dark haired women that smiled.

"Is this seat taken"? she asked "No it's not if you are here to tell me of your sexual exploits with Caius don't bother. I will be leaving soon enough" I said looking back down at the ground . "I think you have the wrong idea about me sweetheart my name is Sulpicia I'm Aro's wife." she said taking a seat. "I'm sorry I thought you was one of Caius's whore's." "No,no not my type what do you mean you will leaving. why would you leave you can't leave your mate that will hurt the both of you" she replied. I looked at her confused "what do you mean hurt the both of us I don't understand I don't understand a thing about mating can you explain to me, if you dont mind." I really hope she would. "I will explain it to you since you have no clue what it entitles I'm surprised Caius didn't explain it you" "We was not on the best of terms when i arrived and when we was it never came up. I mean who sleeps with a man they know nothing about." I said with tears in my eyes. "Don't put yourself down because of it, many women do it. Just know that Caius is the man you will live the rest of eternity with. Let me explain having a mate is finding the other half to you to make you complete, you found your soul mate. Who will love you unconditionally lay down their life for you, be your lover and protector, they will do anything to keep you happy. If you hurt they hurt. You can never leave them, they can never leave you. Does that explain it" she asked looking me in my eyes I know what she said was true it's like imprinting for the pack. "Can they hurt their mate because I heard I will become one of Caius's statistics they said he will drain me and dispose of my body. Will he really do that to me" I asked "No he won't with him being your mate he can will harm you on purpose unless it is for punishment, but other than that If he hurts you he will hurt his self. He will not drain you fore he can not life without you. The things he did is his story to tell not mine, he has a reason behind every thing he does. Just listen to him give him time to talk without interrupting him, don't leave him because of his past mistakes. The past is just that the past. Nobody can tell you that they had sex with Caius while you here if they did they will be lying. Mates get turned on from their mates arousal nobody else,even if he would want to have sex with somebody he couldn't his body wouldn't allow him, I hope you know what I mean. a little advice to you before I leave don't concern yourself with his past conquests. believe me when I say you have nothing to worry about sweetheart." she said getting up. I sat there for a moment I hope she is right. I got up when I was hungry again. I made me a sandwich and went to lay down I need to think things over if I want to be with him I will have to try. I will find him when I wake up.

When I woke up I was under the cover I could of swore I feel asleep on top of a made bed. I sat up and looked around I saw Caius sitting there watching me. I wonder how long I been sleep. I see the sun coming up, turning to him "What time is it and how long I have been sleep" "It is almost six am. You have been sleep for the past two days I though I was going to a doctor for you if you didn't wake up today." He replied standing up and walking over to the bed. I was confused on how I could sleep for two day straight the only other time I did that was when I was unconscious I don't remember being hit or bumping my head any where. Damn now I am confused. I went to stretch my arms, and was hit with a smell unlady like. "Sorry I need a moment to get cleaned up." I said looking at the wall I went to the closet to pick out my clothes and started the shower my stomach twisted in a knot I felt nauseous so I leaned over the toilet and heaved a couple of times just throwing up nothing but yellow looking stuff that tasted bad, maybe eating will help I opened the door and asked Caius would he mind going to get me something lite to eat. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I wrapped a towel around me and walked out I left my clothes on the bed. I got dressed and looked at the food eggs, toast and juice. I looked at Caius thinking we really to talk and I had to tell my choice to stay. I sat down "Thank you for getting this for me." I said breaking the toast. He watched me eat, scrunching his nose every now and then. I finished sitting the plate to the side, sighed "I made my decision, I am going to stay and try to make this work. I will try not to care about your past encounters. I am sorry for overreacting ."I said looking at him hoping and praying that they will past encounters "Isabella you have nothing to worry about,I haven't fucked anybody I can't with you being my mate I will explain". "No need to I talked to Aro's wife she explained already" he sighed and told me that he needed to tell me everything about him the good and the bad, there was more way more bad than it was good. I almost cried at the part when he told me how he tortured the werewolves as he called them children of moon I thought about I needed to contact my family soon. we talked for what it seems like hours until I had a taste for some prosciutto I hope they have some. I ate the whole pack of it before I knew it the package was empty. Caius said something about it being it his favorite food when he was human. I'm still hungry.I went for can of Wedding soup and ate that also still hungry what is wrong with me. I made some Shrimp Alfredo and ate that. I felt me getting nauseous again I ended up throwing up in the sink, I washed it out ans sanitized it that's what I get for eating to much and to fast. I felt light headed then the blackness over took me.

Not again I thought as I hit the floor. O

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