Chapter 22

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I have to call Eleazar today or as soon as possible. I have no clue what's going on in my castle anymore Isabella's presence here has disrupted the order of things. I will have order this is my kingdom and I am the fucking king for crying out loud.

Caius has a gift that I would destroy entire covens for. The twins are a miracle in them self's, their powers are magnificent, and for them to know how to use and control them is unheard of. They are infants and shouldn't know how to control anything, just look at the history of the immortal children that's a prime example. If they weren't his children they would be trained for my guard.

Caius had been given a gift which at first he turned away from, foolish jackass. I would do anything in my power to give Sulipica a child of our own.

Karma all ways had a funny way of fucking with Caius, first a human for a mate, now children, who would ever guessed Caius a father of not one but two kids. Caius had a daughter in his human years, but now he is a vindictive, vicious ruthless leader. His temper can bring this down to rubble.

The twins are a miracle in them self's. I looked on as they dismantled Caius's whore and turned her into ash, I can only image what they did to Ezekiel in that room. They will be feared not only name wise, but by their actions alone. I informed Caius that he will have to teach them control, if they do take after him their temper will bring this castle to the ground. Caius is already enough to deal with when he is angry, and takes his frustration out on the guard, countless soldiers have fallen victim to Caius wrath. Three of them under this roof will have everybody afraid to make a step in their direction.

Isabella is a matter in itself she had been in transformation for almost a week, she already had a violent strike in her whole human, just think of her as a newborn. While she is still transforming I will have her powers read, I am afraid that she will see Eleazar as a threat against her and the kids. The destruction alone that the children will make is indescribable, add the parents and no one will be able to stand up against them.

"Eleazar I would like to know if you can make a visit here, I require your expertise in a situation we have here. I need to know what powers my new additions to the Volturi have?"

I was hoping he would come.

"Yes I would be happy to assist you with the newest addition to the guard. Please give me a few hours to inform the rest of my clan that I will not be accompanying them for the rest of the vacation. We are touring Egypt"' Eleazar replied. Good he will be here by night fall.

I had Eleazar to meet me in my study so we could discuss this more privately as he had arrived during feeding time, I will respect his choice of the vegetarian diet. "As I had already informed you there are three new members to the Volturi family, one is in transformation and has been for a week, the other two are twins. I have seen some of the powers they possess, they are magnificent they can dismantle a vampire and turn them to ash without a single touch." I stated rethinking about earlier. " A week in transformation is a little longer than most, are you sure they will make it through. I can tell what every powers he or she may have if any at all, while they are in the state that they are currently in. I would like to meet the twins if possible I want to see them in action, to dismantle a vampire and turn them in to ash is unheard of unless they have lied about their ability. Aro have you read their minds or where you too excited to add them to your collection to even find out the truth" He said looking me in the eye.

"No I haven't read their minds, I have seen them in action twice first Ezekiel he was ash before we arrived in the room, then one of Caius's whores she threatened them she was turned to ash before our eyes. They will not be in my guard or added to my collection as you put it, they are solely Caius's responsibility for they have inherited some of his qualities. If you don't tread lightly you will see what I mean first hand, image Caius temper multiplied by three" I said laughing.

I called for Marcus to join us. "If you don't mind can I ask why Master Caius didn't end the twins after they destroyed his play thing. Where is Master Caius by the way?" Eleazar asked as he stood to greet Marcus. "Caius will not touch them they have him wrapped around their little fingers they will be able to get away with anything. He will be joining us shortly, he had to get the twins settled down" Marcus replied as he took a seat.

Caius joined us shortly after "I called Eleazar here today for assistance on finding out what other powers they hold. I informed him they are much like you, the only difference is you don't have a power, no image your self with a power as theirs one single temper tantrum from you and the castle will be in a shambles and on the ground. I will have Isabella read to while she is still transforming, that way it's safer for everybody" I said . Caius looked angry you could see the tension rolling off him.

"If you don't mind I would like to see the twins soon, you speak so highly of them, I will read the newborn first" Eleazar said standing up waiting for us to led the way. I lead him to Caius's wing. Isabella was the first to be read "She is a shield mental and physical, she also will be able to absorb and use any powers she come on contact with also will be able to take them away our give. She will also be fair in her rulings

for she can detect any deceit that a person has, her last power she can read and hear minds, recall any memories you every had in you're entire life without touching." He said still looking over Isabella "She's is very beautiful, she will make a wonderful mate for somebody, she is having an ice transformation, her and Caius will be one of a kind they will read and play off each other perfectly, to bad you are married to Anthenodora, for this one will complete you" Eleazar replied looking at Caius. "That is my mate you idiot has been for a month now, I divorced the she bitch from hell almost two months ago" Caius screamed. When we opened the doors to the nursery Eleazar wasn't happy "What is the meaning of this I will not enter that room that's holds immoral children in it. Caius you made that law yourself you led to the extinction of them. Why do you break your own laws powers or not they can't be taught, they will never learn. Caius you of all people should know that" Eleazar said shaking his head and walking backwards. Caius grabbed Elezear by the neck and snarled "Those are not immortal children they are mine" he stated just as Charlotte appeared besides me with her neck tilted to the side.

Eleazar was in the air screaming while I looked around to see Caius standing in the doorway "Caius and Charlotte it's alright let him down, Don't harm him." Caius said to Caius and Charlotte "Sorry Daddy" They said at the same time.

Eleazar looked from Caius to the twins and noticed the resemblance between them.

"Master Caius how is it possible that you have children, and your named them after the most feared vampire in existence Caius and Charlotte really" Eleazar said sitting his clothes. " I didn't name them their mother did, to tell you the truth I didn't have anything to do with Isabella during her pregnancy I said and did some awful things to her, and promised another her place as queen." Caius said before he was lifted in the air and one of his arms removed, "Caius, Charlotte stop it do not destroy your father he is sorry that was before you was born." I yelled at them they dropped Caius to the ground. I really need to find out what powers they hold their temper and anger almost destroyed their own father. "You can see they have many qualities they have inherited Isabella was violent even for a human. Well when she was mad at Caius. Can you please tell me what we are dealing with here" I asked him.

"Caius has telekinesis the ability to move things with his mind, he is also empathy, psychometric, astral imprisonment, offspring detection, and finally astral possession. Charlotte had multiple powers too yin and yang shift, mind control, empathic manipulation, aura vision, death vision, and finally a dual mind. Caius you have your hands full, very gifted children but they can be trouble with the disappearing" Eleazar replied wow they are special in deed. "What do we call the children half breeds, hybrids have you ever encountered this before. "The children are called dhampir" We walked back to my study finally, now I knew the powers that they held, I can plan a coarse of action maybe when their older they will be in Uncle Aro guard. I would love for them to learn how to harness their powers

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